Contact Us

  • Health and Social Services
  • Government of Yukon
  • Box 2703
  • Whitehorse, Yukon
  • Canada Y1A 2C6
  • Telephone: (867) 667-3673
  • Toll free (in Yukon): 1-800-661-0408 local 3673
  • Fax: (867) 667-3096
  • Email:

Contact Information

Alcohol and Drug Services
Detoxification Services 667-8470
Live-In treatment Services 667-5777
Outpatient treatment Services 667-5777
Prevention Services 667-5788
Community Health Programs
Dental Health 667-8360
Environmental Health 667-8391
Health Promotion 667-3003
Mental Health Services 667-8346
Yukon Communicable Disease 667-8323
Community Nursing
Community Health Facilities 667-8324
Emergency Medical Services 456-8400
Whitehorse Health Centre 667-8864
Continuing Care
Alexander Mcdonald Home
for Seniors
Copper Ridge Place 393-7500
Macaulay Lodge 667-5955
Yukon Home Care Program 667-5774
Corporate Services
Finance, Systems and Administration 667-8343
Human Resources 667-3418
Policy and Program Development 667-5689
Communications 667-5689
Family and Children's Services
Child Abuse Treatment Services 667-8227
Child Care Services Unit 667-3492
Child Placement Services 667-3476
Children's Assessment and
Treatment Services
Children's Receiving Home 667-2051
Family Services Unit 667-3633
Early Childhood & Healthy Families 667-3745
Intake Unit 667-3633
Residential Youth Treatment
Health Services Branch
Children Drug and Optical Program 667-8494
Chronic Disease Program 667-5092
Extended Health Benefits 667-5628
Hearing Services 667-5913
Medical Travel Program 667-5203
Pharmacare Program 667-5403
Vital Statistics 667-5207
Regional Services
Community Social Service Offices  
Social Services
Adult Services Unit 667-5674
Client Services 667-5674
Employment and Training Services 667-5674
French Language Social Services 667-5482
Supported Independent Living 667-5670
Youth Justice
Custody Services:
Young Offenders Facility
Open Custody Caregivers
Youth Achievement Centre 667-3759
Youth Probation 667-3610
Youth High Risk Treatment Program 667-3616