December 2002

December 19, 2002
Rights & Democracy Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling on Louise Gosselin Case

December 17, 2002
Donor Countries Must Put Women's Rights in Aghanistan on the Agenda

December 4, 2002
The Right of Indigenous Peoples to Self-Determination: Rights & Democracy's President Speaks Out in Geneva


November 2002

November 28, 2002
Activist Travels to Canada to Highlight Plight of Women Living Under Sharia Criminal Laws in Nigeria


October 2002

October 21, 2002
Battle against terrorism


September 2002

September 23, 2002
Afghanistan: Rights & Democracy sets up Kabul Office to administer Women's Rights Fund

September 4, 2002
The ICC Must Not Be a Political Tool


August 2002

August 14, 2002
Manhattan Minerals Must Recognize the Legitimacy of the Municipal Referendum in Peru

August 6, 2002
World Summit on Sustainable Development


July 2002

July 3, 2002
The Integrity of the Rome Statute must be Protected

July 1, 2002
The International Criminal Court is Born


June 2002

June 11, 2002
Nigerian Women's Rights Activist Wins John Humphrey Freedom Award

June 7, 2002
Acting President Named at Rights & Democracy


May 2002

May 24, 2002
Indigenous Peoples' Participation in Colombian Elections Impossible if Basic Right to Life not Respected.

May 7, 2002
US Undermining International Campaign Against Impunity

May 6, 2002
Aung San Suu Kyi Released From House Arrest


April 2002

April 30, 2002
Rights & Democracy serves notice to Talisman Energy Corporation

April 16, 2002
What Really Happened at the Barrick Gold Mine in Tanzania

April 11, 2002
The International Criminal Court Becomes a Reality

April 8, 2002
Rights & Democracy Condemns Canada's Vote in Geneva

April 2, 2002
Justice for Jean Dominique


March 2002

March 29, 2002
Barrick Mine in Tanzania: Rights & Democracy and NGOs Demand an Inquiry

March 13, 2002
Argentina: on the verge of political and institutional chaos

March 8, 2002
Rapporteurs of the UN, OAS and African Union Denounce Official Tolerance of Violence Against Women by Private Individuals and Groups.

March 8, 2002
Joint Declaration of the Special Rapporteurs on Women’s Rights


February 2002

February 25, 2002
Canada Should Put Violations of Human Rights in China on the UN Agenda

February 4, 2002
Rights & Democracy Sends Emergency Aid for Afghan Women

February 1, 2002
Canadian Organizations Help Build Global Court