Metis Women of Manitoba

The Metis Women of Manitoba (MWM) is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1993. The MWM is the re-formation of the formerly titled Metis Women's Association of Manitoba and the Metis Women's Alliance.

MWM's primary purpose is to improve the social and economic situation of Metis Peoples, with a particular focus on Metis women and children. Our organization was also created to provide support to our communities in the form of educational and cultural programs.

MWM is comprised of seven Directors. One (1) Provincial Spokesperson who is elected province-wide; and seven Regional Directors. Regional Directors are each elected in and represent one (1) of the Seven (7) regions; which divide up the province geographically. The seven regions are; Thompson, The Pas, Northwest, Interlake, Southwest, Southeast, and Winnipeg. Board positions are for 3-year terms

The MWM objectives are to assist and work on behalf of all Metis Women to:

  • Promote, empower, and enhance our social, economic and political well-being
  • Attain optimal spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wellness
  • Preserve and safe guard our history, values, culture and traditions
  • Encourage and support the continued use of our languages
  • Foster grassroots initiatives
  • Advocate, facilitate and assist effective means of communication for the Metis Women; and Encourage and support the full participation of all Metis Women within and outside the Metis Nation.

MWM advocates for the health of the Metis Women and Youth and promotes zero tolerance on violence against Metis women and children. The cultural history of the Metis is a very important issue of the women. MWM advocates for the education and development of Metis women in political, social, legal, economic, and cultural awareness.

The Metis Women of Manitoba (MWM) is a voluntary organization. We exist and conduct our business through voluntary efforts by the Board and Executive members. When special projects are developed that require an inordinate amount of an individual's time, we then budget for a coordinator to carry out the proposed activities. This method has served us well in the past; however, we are in need of direction and focus from our grassroots members. Culturally, Metis women are traditionally seen as the essential shareholders in maintaining the family unit and we need to address these issues and concerns. The issues and concerns facing Metis women must be addressed with specific Metis responses. We must expand and upgrade our volunteer activities to accommodate the growing sophistication of local organization, the seven regions and the concerns of the community and the board and executive members. The issues that affect the Metis women's community are complicated and diverse. We need a strong and unified voice to articulate the concerns of the community and devise programs and projects to address the problems. In addition, it is also important that the provincial infrastructure be developed that can articulate these issues and lobby for the necessary legislative, institutional and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal government policy changes.

We have chosen a tree to visually represent the foundation of our organization. The trunk is formed from the support and resources we provide and the voice that we give to our people and communities. In keeping with our values, we believe the branches grow from our reaching out and spreading awareness on issues of concern to our people.

Our advocating and lobbying are visible actions of our organization, which nurture the formation of the leaves, flowers, and seeds.

Just as the longevity of a tree rests with it's ability to bend with the wind. The Metis Women of Manitoba must also maintain its unique ability to bend to the ever-changing needs of our communities to continue to be relevant.

Finally, as a tree grows stronger with each year that passes the Metis Women of Manitoba's energies contribute to increasingly strengthening the roots of our people, communities, and Nation.


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