Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline is proud to state that it has aggressive agreements in place with First Nation governments in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. The agreements include items dealing with the environment and socio-economic opportunities as they relate to the pipeline facilities. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline continues to work with the Aboriginal community to ensure that all aspects of the agreements are met.

Each of the agreements have a strong focus on the environment to ensure that Aboriginal interests and concerns are taken into consideration when developing and constructing a pipeline. Each of the agreements include items such as conducting archaeological and environmental studies; conducting  Aboriginal Awareness Workshops for employees of Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline; and conducting regular meetings between company and Aboriginal representatives.

In addition to items relating to the environment, the agreements also include provisions developed to promote socio-economic opportunities in the Aboriginal community. These include contracting opportunities for Aboriginal businesses during construction and operations of pipeline facilities; vocational training funds; and educational scholarship funds.

Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline is proud to state that both its environment and socio-economic successes have been strong. In 1999, Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline was one of the largest industrial employers and contractors of Aboriginal people and businesses. The company is dedicated to maintaining that track record with the Aboriginal communities and their people.