- E-marketing and e-commerce experts

Q. Internet: Can you profit from it?

  • Sports Montréal – A company in charge of selling Centre Claude Robillard (Montréal) sports activities registrations increased its online sales by 30% while reducing the operating expenses related to the registration process.
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  • M&L Uniforme, a manufacturer and distributor of uniforms and accessories for policeman, fireman and ambulance personnel has seen its Website traffic quadruple within two months following's site optimization for search engines.
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  • Communauto, a car rental business, has almost entirely eliminated printed documents and has automated the management of subscriptions, reservations and operation of a fleet numbering more than 250 units.
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  • Dinec Furniture, a manufacturer of custom-made kitchen furniture, strengthens ties with its network of retailers allowing them to personalize cabinets using a Web interface and an ordering system that reduces risks of errors related to hard copy catalogue use.
    (Find out more)

If your online activities are seen as " expenses" and not as "income" or if you believe, as we do, that Internet can contribute to increase your sales and profitability – We can help.

Q. Who are our clients? provides services to any company wishing to increase its domestic or export sales, to trade profitably or to reduce its online activity operating costs.

  • Manufacturing companies or distributors wishing to increase their export sales or penetrate foreign markets.

  • Retailers and businesses selling products and services frequently purchased through Internet – registrations, subscriptions, tickets, reservations, etc.

  • Companies who trade, or wish to trade, electronically with their partners or their customers.

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