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RADARSAT-1 Featured Image

Region: Helsinki, Finland
Acquisition date: August 29, 2006, 16:00 UTC
Mode and beam: Fine F2 ascending
Orbit: 19.428
Coordinates: 60º19' north, 25º12' east

Location Description
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The capital of Finland and the largest port in the country, Helsinki has a population 1.3 million and receives over 9 million passengers and 10 million tons of cargo each year.

This feature image commemorates the unique international partnership between Finland's National Technology Agency (Tekes) and the Canadian Space Agency. The partners are exploring the commercial potential of satellite products and services for both Canada and Finland as they seek to better understand and monitor their shared northern environment.

For the projects, they will use Earth-observation data from Canada's RADARSAT or Europe's ENVISAT, ERS-1, and ERS-2 satellites to support sustainable development, disaster mitigation and navigation of vessels in the icy waters of the North.

Canada and Finland enjoy an excellent space cooperation relationship. While currently focused on the Earth-observation sector, there are many opportunities to work together through European Space Agency programs and other international initiatives.

For more information on Canada-Finland cooperation, see the news release and backgrounder.


Updated: 2006/09/27 Important Notices