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CMHC for Consumers November 2006

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Maintaining Seniors’ Independence Through Home Adaptations

A Self-Assessment Guide

The overwhelming majority of seniors wish to continue to live in their own homes for as long as possible. However, many homes are not well designed to meet our changing needs as we age.

This guide identifies the types of difficulties that seniors can experience and describes types of adaptations that can help overcome these difficulties.

Using the Guide

Each of the sections of this guide, deals with an activity in the home. In using each section of the guide, first decide whether you are having difficulty with the described activity. If you are, examine the types of adaptations described in the section and decide whether any could help you.

Although this guide is designed to assist you in assessing your own needs, you may wish to ask a family member or friend to help you answer the questions. Sometimes a second pair of eyes will spot something you have overlooked.

Getting the work done

You, a family member, or a friend may possess the knowledge and special skills required to successfully carry out some of the adaptations you have identified.

However, if you are going to get a contractor to carry out the work,it is advisable to obtain more than one estimate. This guide, complete with your notes and descriptions, can be used as the basis for obtaining tenders and negotiating with the contractors.

You may have to be selective in choosing adaptations in order to stay within your budget, so be sure to concentrate on the adaptations that will be of most benefit to you. Every house and every person’s requirements are different, so be sure you agree only to adaptations that you need and want.

You may wish to call or visit your local Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) office. The staff will be pleased to advise you about other sources of information or assistance.

If your home is rented, you should check with your landlord and obtain written confirmation verifying that the proposed adaptations may be made.