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SCHL-CMHC, Commission de la construction du Québec, Indiana Marketing, Journal Les Affaires,
Aon Reed Stendhouse, Harfan technologies, RBA, SOCCA, Union des municipalités du Québec


Forum Background

While attending the Economy and Employment Summit, which was hosted by the Quebec government in 1996, the AFNQL Regional Chief, Mr. Ghislain Picard, expressed the wish that the First Nations get the same opportunity as the society in general to get together, discuss and agree on the Socioeconomic priorities which affect them, and on the actions required to organize a structural change susceptible to improve the living conditions of our people. The Regional Chief transmitted this same message at the Forum of Generations, which the Charest government hosted in October 2004, and from where the idea of organizing a First Nations Socioeconomic Forum emerged.

In a resolution adopted on June 16 2004, the Chiefs of the AFNQL mandated the Regional Chief, Ghislain Picard, to take the necessary steps to ensure the presentation of the Socioeconomic Forum with the support of the Chiefs’ Strategic Committee. It was also resolved to engage the regional commissions and organizations of the AFNQL into the achievement of the event. Based on its mandates and mission, and with the consent of its board of directors, the FNQLEDC was designated as the regional organization of the AFNQL that will coordinate the Forum’s activities.

In its 2005-2008 strategic development plan, the FNQLEDC identified values ensuing from its mission. The value of sharing and information transfer indicates that the FNQLEDC plays a role of sharing and information transfer on the stakes of economic development, both to its members and to the First Nations communities. Through this value, the FNQLEDC has the mandate to organize an event to fulfill this role. Also, the value of monitoring and the value to develop the economic development of the First Nations, explicitly mention the organization of an event which will allow the implementation of tools and mechanism for the benefit of the regional economic development of communities of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador. Therefore, the FNQLEDC has all the necessary support from its members and authorities of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador, to go ahead with the organization of the Forum.

Thanks to a financial contribution from the Secrétariat aux Affaires Autochtones, the FNQLEDC was able to set up a Secretariat of the First Nations Socioeconomic Forum, as of October 31 2005.



The Forum will be held on October 25, 26 and 27 2006 and the Innu community of
Mashteuiatsh will be hosting the event


The main objective is to set in motion and sustain a series of actions and measures which will make it possible to improve the social and economic conditions of the First Nations, in a concrete, effective and viable manner.


Ensuing from the main objective, five specific objectives were identified:

A) Gather all the parties concerned by the social and economic development related issues of the First Nations

No concrete result can possibly emerge from the Forum without the participation and mobilization of all governments and all First Nations organizations. The active participation of non-Aboriginal players, either from the public sector or the private sector, is more than desirable. The principle of partnership should underlie the works and discussions of the Forum, which will be at the basis of concrete actions to be undertaken following the event.

B) Clarify and define issues related to First Nations development

The organization of such an event cannot be achieved without clearly defining the complex difficulties and current challenges influencing the socioeconomic conditions of the First Nations. The organization of the Forum is thus an opportunity to assess the current situation and the perspectives of solution, by taking into account the recent works in this field. The preparatory works are proving to be of a major importance for the constitution of the Forum’s basis of discussions. First, consultations with the various players and the population of the First Nations are foreseen in order to draw concrete actions which will serve as background to the discussions at the Forum.

Draw proposals and define concrete actions to improve the social and economic conditions of the First Nations

The Forum is not an exercise to report on findings, this exercise has been completed in the preliminary phase as described at the second specific objective. The Forum must pave the way to concrete commitments, first on the part of the First Nations governments and various ministries, and then on the part of all other players and representatives who will be taking part in the Forum.

It will be paramount that the proposals and actions ensuing from the Forum suit as much as possible concrete solutions that will make it possible to develop a schedule of implementation of actions, in order to improve the social and economic conditions of the First Nations.

D) Develop a movement and a structure allowing the swift implementation and effective monitoring of proposals and actions

It is important to reiterate that the Forum does not intend to report on findings; it is planned with the goal of creating a movement that will oversee a structure responsible of ensuring that the contemplated actions are implemented within realistic and reasonable delays, in order to bring about real changes to the current socioeconomic conditions of the First Nations.

This structure’s mandate will consist in implementing the actions and proposals as defined by the Forum’s participants, based on an implementation schedule. All the concerned players will be called upon to engage proactively into the dynamics of implementation of these actions.

E) Reiterate, develop and maintain harmonious and respectful relations

This forum will provide an ideal opportunity to the First Nations, the interveners of various circles and the representatives of ministries to reiterate and strengthen their partnership links in a framework of open-mindedness, mutual respect and attentive listening. A better understanding of each other, in such a way as to envisage new types of productive partnerships, remains a fundamental issue that will be reflected in all aspects and challenges of the Forum.


The Forum is intended to be a large-scale event with an opportunity to highlight the stakes and to suggest concrete solutions that will engage the First Nations and all the concerned sectors. The stakes, whether socio-cultural, political or economic, are numerous, and for many, they might appear very complex and in certain respects, be a cause for concerns. A large number of people, organizations and businesses have been working daily and relentlessly for years now for the greater welfare of the Aboriginal populations, in an effort to improve the living conditions of the First Nations people, often described as worrisome, if not alarming.

There are data available on the effects of various social difficulties which affect the level of community-based economic development of First Nations communities. Solutions have also been recommended; some were retained and implemented, while others are still awaiting their implementation. In spite of the good will, actions and considerable amount of work invested from all over, the challenges remain numerous, and obstacles, over which the First Nations have no control, are seriously hindering the continuation of efforts whose objective is the greater welfare of the First Nations; this obstacle is not a contributing factor to the promotion of a significant improvement of the psychosocial health situation, economic growth, education level or environment of the First Nations. A large number of people working or caring for the social and economic development of the First Nations feel that it is urgent to act, considering that the First Nations would like to envision a better future for their upcoming generations. The Forum must be approached with their future in mind, taking into account several variables and settings that are peculiar to the life and survival of the First Nations.

All in all, the Forum aims at opening the paths to a positive future, which are essential to the required changes, keeping in mind the objective of improving the fate of the First Nations in regards to fundamental issues linked to land, resources, taxation, social difficulties, health, economic development, culture, identity values, education, employment and sustainable development. All the participants representing various sectors will be called upon to share their capacities, and debate the real challenges in a respectful and harmonious climate.


Four main themes will be addressed:

- Economy and employment;
- Health and social services;
- Culture and education;
- Infrastructure and sustainable development.

It is important to note that the themes are not restricted to the outline listed hereunder. The preliminary works of the Forum will be an opportunity to be more specific and to polish the subjects, in order to determine by consensus those that will be the object of discussions and priority actions.

A) Economy and employment

This theme will be addressing the participation of the First Nations in the labor market, their fair participation in economy, their involvement at the level of development of renewable power, creation of financial tools, the importance of social economy in First Nations communities, the place of tourism in aboriginal economy (support to be developed), business coaching and acquisition of skills.

B) Health and social services

This theme will address particularly the availability and access to health services, the complex difficulties that are peculiar to the First Nations in the area of health and social services, the promotional and prevention programs, the development of research and the cultural adaptability of programs.

C) Culture and education

This theme will address among other things the enhancement of the aboriginal know-how, the aboriginal languages, and the necessity to preserve them. The complex difficulties of the dropout rate and the issue of adapted training, and the necessity to establish cultural rapprochements will be discussed within the scope of this theme.

D) Infrastructure and community development

The improvement of the road network in First Nations remote communities, the catching-up and development of new access formulas to housing and the implementation of the First Nations sustainable development strategy will constitute elements to create a proactive and productive discussion.


The Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL) will be inviting the local and regional contributors who are linked to the sectors broaching the identified themes. It comprises the representatives of First Nations organizations.

On the federal side, the plan is to invite numerous ministers and members of parliament from the two levels of government, along with representatives of the opposition parties.

As for the participation of other players, the working unions, the municipal circle, the financial circle, business people and various associations will be invited to participate in the Forum.

All in all, we aim at a participation of approximately two hundred and fifty (250) persons. It is important to stress that our members of the First Nations will also be invited to participate; after all, they are the main players of change in our communities.


The Secretariat of the First Nations Socioeconomic Forum began its work on October 31st. A director has been contracted and a working team will be set up to achieve all the activities linked to the Forum.

The plan is to spread out the organization of the Forum into five phases :

A) Establishment of the stakes and presentation of assessment reports

During this phase, it will be important to engage the various government players in getting themselves involved into the materialization of a specific project. This phase must promote a vast reflection on the socioeconomic stakes that affect the First Nations and bring all concerned players in putting a lot of efforts in the initiative leading to the Forum. With the help of a consultation questionnaire divided into activity sectors, the various players will be required to define the stakes which affect the social and economic development of the First Nations.

A consultation handbook, including a questionnaire on the different themes, is being developed and shall be distributed within the respective networks of each commission and regional organization of the AFNQL, and in regional organizations of the First Nations.

In order to set in motion a real participation of all members of the First Nations, the officers of the Forum Secretariat are planning to visit different communities in order to consult the First Nations members who will not have been consulted by the networks of AFNQL’s regional organizations.

B) Sectoral meetings to summarize the stakes

Simultaneously to the consultations, summary sessions (or sessions by main theme) will be taking place in order to present to a concertation table, the actions defined during the consultations. Therefore, the main players gathered around the same table will be adopting the actions that need to be undertaken, in link with the specific stakes that will be presented at the Forum.

The collected data will be compiled and presented at a Chiefs’ Assembly in order to get the political opinion and the Chiefs’ assent as to the appropriate formula to achieve the Forum.

C) Series of activities jointly developed for in-depth reflection and for identification of solution paths and actions to be submitted at the Forum .

It will be important to present the defined actions to several groups of interest, particularly in the private sector, so hat the actions gather a consensus from all the parties concerned by the socioeconomic stakes of the First Nations.

D) Presentation of the event

The Forum will be taking place over a three-days (3) period, with workshops and plenary meetings. A socio-cultural event will be organized within the scope of the Forum. Exhibitors will also be on the site.

E) Post-Forum period and implementation of actions

Subsequent to the Forum, orientations will be presented to the Chiefs’ Assembly in order to prioritize the initiatives required for the achievement of actions and the development of a structure responsible to monitor the proactive implementation of actions and/or strategic plans involving the commissions and regional organizations, and this, in order to materialize the solutions which are essential to the improvement of the socioeconomic conditions of the First Nations.

Following the gradual implementation of actions, an assessment process will have to be contemplated with the use of certain indicators which will enable the gauging of effectiveness and productivity of actions, on a monthly basis.

© 2006 First Nations Socioeconomic Forum
Website Design by Danny Picard