News Release

August 25, 2006

Province provides $50 million for tank site remediation

Application forms available September 15

Edmonton... Municipalities and owners of small retail gas stations with potential contamination from underground petroleum storage tanks may be eligible for funding under a remediation program. The provincial government has approved $50 million for the program. Eligible sites must have a tank that was installed prior to the Alberta Fire Code amendments of September 1, 1992. Small retail gas station operations are those owners with five or fewer retail fuel sites.

"The new tank site remediation program continues the work of a previous program, to help eligible municipalities and owners of small retail gas stations identify and take necessary action to address contamination at underground fuel tank sites," said Rob Renner, Minister of Municipal Affairs. "The priority is to help complete the remediation of eligible sites from the previous program."

Participants from the first program whose sites were found to be heavily contaminated, and whose remediation costs exceed the initial base grant of $110,000, may be eligible for up to an additional $50,000 per site to help complete remediation. In addition, site owners who paid more than the original grant funding limit to complete remediation may be reimbursed, up to the same additional amount. This will address an estimated 300 tank sites in the province. Participants from the first program who may be eligible for additional funding will be notified of the new program directly by mail.

Applications will also be available for new participants to the program. This includes municipalities and owners of small retail gas stations that meet the eligibility criteria of the previous program. This will address an estimated 300 new tank sites. Those who are not eligible for the program include sites that have been out-of-service for more than two years and do not pose a significant environmental risk, large retailers, and non-retail operations.

Application forms will be available September 15, and new site applications will be processed in the order they are received. Program information is available on the Municipal Affairs website at If municipalities and site owners require more information, they can call

In the first program, which was launched in 2000, $60 million was committed to help remediate the sites of 930 applicants, including 66 municipalities. The Alberta Fire Code requires that all underground fuel tanks be upgraded to specified standards. The Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act requires owners of contaminated properties to clean them up to established environmental standards.

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Attachment: Tank site remediation program - questions and answers

Media enquiries may be directed to:

Jay O'Neill
Alberta Municipal Affairs

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


August 25, 2006

Tank site remediation program - questions and answers

Who is eligible for funding in the program?

Eligible applicants include municipalities and owners of small retail gas stations that meet the eligibility criteria of the previous program. Small retail gas station operations are those owners with five or fewer retail fuel sites. To be eligible, sites must have a tank that was installed prior to the Alberta Fire Code amendments of September 1, 1992. The priority is to help complete the remediation of sites from the previous program. Applications will also be available for new participants to the program.

Who is not eligible for funding in the program?

As in the previous program, eligibility does not include large retailers. This is because these owners are generally in a more viable financial position to fund remediation of their own sites. Program eligibility also does not include sites that have been out-of-service for more than two years and do not pose a significant environmental risk. Also ineligible are non-retail operations, for example trucking operations, bulk fuel plants, and municipally owned-and-operated refuelling depots.

How do I apply?

Participants from the first program who may be eligible for additional funding will be notified of the new program directly by mail. Applications will be available starting September 15, including those for new participants to the program. New site applications will be processed in the order they are received.

How many contaminated sites will this funding address?

In providing assistance to participants from the first program, the funding will address contamination at about 200 sites, and approximately 100 site owners may receive reimbursement for funds they have paid for remediation work. Approximately 300 additional sites will be addressed as funding is allocated to new applicants.

How many contaminated sites from small retail gas stations will remain?

It is estimated there will be about 600 inactive small retail sites remaining that may require remediation. The $50 million funding represents an estimation of industry capacity, and further program funding will be requested in the future as additional sites are identified.

How can participants get more information?

Program information is available on the Municipal Affairs website at, or municipalities and owners can call the tank site remediation program office toll-free at 1-866-833-3300.

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Jay O'Neill
Alberta Municipal Affairs

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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