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Guide to Services for Lower-Income Albertans

Welcome to the online edition of the Guide to Services for Lower-Income Albertans. This Government of Alberta booklet outlines the help available from many government departments and some services offered in partnership with community agencies.

The online edition of the Guide to Services for Lower-Income Albertans is available in the following formats:

Website with images - Suggested for people reading on a monitor or who want to print specific pages of the booklet, including graphics.

Website without images - Suggested for people reading on a monitor or who want to print specific pages of the booklet, without graphics.

Adobe PDF Document (3 MB) - Suggested for people with a high-speed connection who want to download or print the guide. (Adobe Reader free software download)

Text Document (68 KB) - Suggested for people who use screen readers.

Braille Document - Suggested for people using computers or notetakers equipped with a Braille display. Duxbury file (80 pages, 40 characters, 25 lines per page).

Audio Version - Suggested for people using computers equipped with speakers or headphones. (MP3 format)

Eligibility Estimator for Lower Income Albertans - This estimator helps Albertans determine if they might be eligible for Part Time Training Benefits, the Alberta Child Health Benefit, the Alberta Health Care Insurance Premium Subsidy, and/or the Alberta Health Care Insurance Waiver of Premiums.

The guide is also available in print and audio media format:

Print copy - You can order a free paper copy of the booklet by calling 1-866-644-5135 (toll free) or (780) 644-5135 in Edmonton. For TTY Deaf Relay only, dial 1-800-232-7215 within Alberta.

Audio version - The audio version is also available on cassette or CD by calling Alberta Human Resources and Employment Communications at (780) 427-5585. To call toll-free, dial 310-0000, then 780-427-5585.

The guide is up-to-date as of March 2005. If a website address or phone number does not work, or you cannot find the program you are looking for, call Service Alberta toll-free from anywhere in Alberta by dialing 310-0000.

E-mail your comments on the Guide to Services for Lower-Income Albertans to: .
