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IDB celebrates its non-regional members
The Inter-American Development Bank celebrates the 32nd anniversary of the signing  of  the  Declaration of Madrid  in 1974—an event that marked a milestone in the history of the Bank—by formalizing bonds with industrialized nations outside the Hemisphere and expanding its membership to non-regional countries in the following years.
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A fast-disbursing soft loan to support financial reform in Haiti
A $25 million fast-disbursing soft loan to Haiti will help the country's financial sector reform, which includes strengthening the central bank and supporting the oversight of commercial financial institutions, particularly credit unions.
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New IDB Infrastructure Fund makes a million dollar debut in Brazil
The IDB's new Infrastructure Fund (InfraFund) announced its first operation, a $1 million contribution for the creation of an private-public project preparation fund in Brazil.
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More Headlines
Upgrading electricity services
Belize's financial stability
Electricity back in Haiti
Equity, quality of education
Supporting mortgage in Peru
Exports rise to record levels
Regional trade financing
Sustainable energy initiative
Accountability in the region
Rural transportation in Peru
Management of public resources
Key Documents
IIRSA - Building a New Continent
Report on IDB Portfolio
IPES 2007 - Living With Debt
IDB Annual Report
Business Resource Guide
Integrity Report
IDB's Code of Ethics
Procedures -- Ethics Committee
Guidelines for policies and strategies
Independent Investigation Mechanism
Development Effectiveness
III Inter-American Biennial of Video Art Exhibition
December 4 - January 16
IV Inter-American Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility
December 10-12 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
  More events...

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