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© 2006

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Al-Pac Case Study - Part II

Daniel Farr, Biota Research
Steve Kennett, Canadian Institute of Resources Law
Monique M. Ross, Canadian Institute of Resources Law
Brad Stelfox, Forem Technologies
Marian Weber, Alberta Research Council

This case study has been commissioned as background research for the NRTEE’s Conserving Canada’s Natural Capital: The Boreal Forest program.
The views expressed in the case study are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent those of the National Round Table, its members, or the members of the program’s Task Force.

July 2004

Appendix 1 – List of Interviewees

Kirk Andries
Ursus Public Affairs Group

Randall Barrett
Alberta Environment

Roger Creasey
Shell Canada Limited

Ken Crutchfield
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development

Mike Doyle
Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors

Christine Found
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development

Bill Gummer
Environment Canada

Brad Herald
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

Lisa King
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation

Peter Kinnear
Canadian Natural Resources Limited

Dennis Kohlman
Petro-Canada Limited

Peter Koning
Conoco-Phillips Limited

Gord Lambert
Suncor Limited

Peter Lee
Global Forest Watch Canada

David Luff
Inukshuk Consulting Inc.

Pat Marcel
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation

Chief Morris Monias
Heart Lake First Nation

Shira Mulloy
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

Bob Nichol
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc.

David Pryce
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

Rick Schneider
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

Neil Shelley
Alberta Forest Products Association

Paul Short
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development

Gary Stewart
Ducks Unlimited Canada

David Stuart
Petro-Canada Limited

Neil Symington
EnCana Corporation

Shawn Wasel
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc.

Shad Watts
Alberta Energy

Dan Woynillowicz
Pembina Institute