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© 2006

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Al-Pac Case Study - Part II

Daniel Farr, Biota Research
Steve Kennett, Canadian Institute of Resources Law
Monique M. Ross, Canadian Institute of Resources Law
Brad Stelfox, Forem Technologies
Marian Weber, Alberta Research Council

This case study has been commissioned as background research for the NRTEE’s Conserving Canada’s Natural Capital: The Boreal Forest program.
The views expressed in the case study are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent those of the National Round Table, its members, or the members of the program’s Task Force.

July 2004

1. Introduction

This is Part 2 of a three-part case study report examining conservation issues within the Alberta-Pacific (Al-Pac) Forest Management Area (FMA) in northeastern Alberta. The goal of this part is to explore regulatory barriers to the conservation of natural capital and policy options for overcoming those barriers. The term “regulatory” is broadly defined to include the legal, institutional and policy framework for managing land and resource use within the Al-Pac FMA. The other two parts of the case study report review conservation values, land and resource uses, and management objectives for the Al-Pac FMA (Part 1) and discuss fiscal barriers and associated policy options, including the use of economic instruments, relating to the conservation of natural capital (Part 3).

This present document begins with brief sections on the objectives and scope of the Al-Pac case study and the study methodology. The discussion then turns to a two-stage analysis of barriers and policy options. The first stage addresses cross-cutting barriers to the conservation of natural capital and corresponding regulatory responses. The second stage focuses on specific regulatory issues relating to each of the management objectives identified in Part 1 of the report. Throughout these sections, instances where stakeholders within the Al-Pac FMA have adopted innovative approaches to promoting or facilitating the conservation of natural capital are identified as “best practices.” For ease of reference, key recommendations and conclusions are italicized. The final sections identify areas for future research and provide brief concluding comments.