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© 2006

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A Case Study of Conservation in the Abitibi Region (Quebec–Ontario Border)

ArborVitae Environmental Services, Boldon Group
Alexandre Boursier, Lorne Johnson, Thomas Stubbs

This case study has been commissioned as background research for the NRTEE’s Conserving Canada’s Natural Capital: The Boreal Forest program. The views expressed in the case study are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent those of the National Round Table, its members, or the members of the program’s Task Force.

July 21, 2004

6 Literature Cited

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Downey, M.W. 2001. “Greenstone Belts of Canada.” Canadian Rockhound [on-line] 5, 2. Available at <>.

George, Peter, F. Berkes and R.J. Preston. 1995. “Aboriginal harvesting in the Moose River Basin: A historical and contemporary analysis.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 32 (1): 69–90.

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Lake Abitibi Model Forest (LAMF). 1999. A socio-economic profile of the Lake Abitibi Model Forest. Prepared by Gardiner Pinfold Consulting Economists.

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