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Growing Older, Working Longer

Growing Older, Working Longer: The New Face of Retirement
by Monica Townson

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Living With Uncle: Canada-US Relations in a Time of Empire
Edited by Bruce Campbell and Ed Finn

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Latest Reports & Studies

Timing is Everything

Comparing the earnings of Canada's highest-paid CEOs and the rest of us
by Hugh Mackenzie January 2, 2007 | National Office

The Social Benefits and Economic Costs of Taxation

A Comparison of High- and Low-Tax Countries
by Neil Brooks & Thaddeus Hwong December 6, 2006 | National Office

State of the Inner City Report 2006

Inner-City Voices, Community-Based Solutions November 30, 2006 | Manitoba Office

Softwood Sellout

How BC Bowed to the US and Got Saddled with the Softwood Lumber Agreement
by Ben Parfitt November 28, 2006 | BC Office

The Nova Scotia Child Poverty Report Card 2006

by Pauline Raven, Lesley Frank & Rene Ross November 24, 2006 | Nova Scotia Office

Alternative Federal Budget 2007 Economic and Fiscal Update

Can Ottawa Afford More Conservative Government Promises?
by Ellen Russell & Mathieu Dufour November 22, 2006 | National Office

Growing Gap, Growing Concerns

Canadian Attitudes Toward Income Inequality November 20, 2006 | National Office

Living With Uncle

Canada-US Relations in an Age of Empire
by Bruce Campbell & Ed Finn November 17, 2006 | National Office | $24.95

Selling the Family Silver

Oil and Gas Royalties, Corporate Profits, and the Disregarded Public
by John W. Warnock November 16, 2006 | Saskatchewan Office

A Spinner of Tales

Ontario’s Minister of Finance Prepares for His (Re-)Election Budget
by Hugh Mackenzie November 15, 2006 | Ontario Office

For a complete list of CCPA publications, visit the Research & Publications area.

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