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Canada's Office of CONSUMER AFFAIRS

Contribution Program - Application's Guide 2007-2008

Applicant's Guide (PDF, 277 KB) | Main Menu

The Office of Consumer Affairs

for the Fiscal Year 2007-08

Office of Consumer Affairs
Industry Canada
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OH5
Tel.: (613) 952-2771
FAX: (613) 952-6927

Also available on the
Office of Consumer Affairs' Internet Web site

Table of Content

Who Can Apply
Type of Funding Available
Research Project Contributions
Development Project Contributions
     Organizational Development Project Contributions
     Consumer Movement Development Project Contributions
Duration of Projects
Application Process
Application Deadline
Program Budget
Allowable Expenses
Assessment Process
Other Sources of Funding
Contribution Agreement
Reporting Requirement
Methodologist Review of Research Project Results and Final Report
Language Policy

APPENDIX I - Research Project Contributions - Suggested Priority Areas for 2007-08
APPENDIX II - Application Form
APPENDIX III - Research Project Proposal Format
APPENDIX IV - Organizational Development Project Proposal Format
APPENDIX V - Consumer Movement Development Project Proposal Format
APPENDIX VI - Allowable Expenses Categories


The Contributions Program for non-profit consumer and voluntary organizations has been an important source of support for Canadian consumer groups for a number of years. It is administered by the Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) of Industry Canada.

In accordance with Industry Canada's strategic objective of building a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace, the program aims to provide consumer and voluntary organizations with the means to produce high quality, independent and timely research on consumer issues affecting the marketplace, and to develop policy advice on these issues that are both credible and useful to decision-makers. On a smaller scale, the program also helps organizations to reach greater financial self-sufficiency and reduce their dependency on government funding, and to support collaboration among consumer organizations.

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Who Can Apply?

Eligible Applicants

Canadian non-profit consumer and voluntary organizations working in the consumer interest carrying out activities such as:

  • providing objective information, and education which enable consumers to protect their interests in the marketplace,
  • promoting and representing the consumer interest before industry and government,
  • undertaking independent research and analysis of current consumer protection issues and concerns; and
  • responding to consumers enquiries and complaints.

Eligible organizations are those which demonstrate that they:

  • are incorporated as non-profit corporations under appropriate provincial legislation, under Part Two of the Canada Corporations Act, or under a special Act of the Parliament of Canada,
  • have a governance structure which assures accountability to a membership representing the consumer interest;
  • have the structure, governance and funding arrangements which do not expose them to commercial influence on their research and policy positions,
  • are capable of reaching consumers who are not members of the organization itself;
  • are competent, credible, and accountable in carrying out the projects,
  • are guided by objectives which are consistent with the program objective of strengthening "the consumer's role in the marketplace through the promotion of timely and sound research and analysis and the financial self-sufficiency of consumer and voluntary organizations."

Non-Eligible Applicants

  • individuals,
  • profit-oriented organizations,
  • industry, trade, professional and academic associations and representatives of business interests,
  • organizations whose membership includes business organizations which participate in order to represent their own commercial interest,
  • municipal, provincial, territorial or federal government departments, agencies or organizations affiliated with, created by or reporting to a government,
  • universities, colleges or similar academic institutions, and their associated research agencies,
  • political parties and organizations involved in partisan political activity.
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Type of Funding Available

Two types of funding are available under the program: Research Project Contributions, and Development Project Contributions, for a total program budget of $1,690,000 in 2007-08. Most of these funds are devoted to Research Project Contributions, but up to $300,000 can be awarded in Development Project Contributions. This amount may vary according to the development proposals submitted and the funding awarded.

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Research Project Contributions

The purpose of Research Project Contributions is to improve the capacity of consumer organizations to represent the interests of consumers in the marketplace decision-making process through sound research and analysis of consumer protection issues which are national or provincial in scope with the aim of greater harmonization of consumer legislation across Canada.

Ineligible research projects under the program include those projects proposing; educational activities, conferences, workshops, exhibitions and promotional materials, magazines, guides, folders, Web sites or training programs.

You will find under Appendix I the Suggested Research Priority Areas for 2007-08. This priority list was prepared by the Office of Consumer Affairs in consultation with federal government departments and agencies. These priorities are intended to serve as a guide and do not exclude new and emerging issues.

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Development Project Contributions

Development Project Contributions include Organizational and Consumer Movement projects.

Organizational Development Project Contributions

Organizational Development Contributions are awarded to encourage organizations to reach financial self-sufficiency by pursuing one of the three following activities:

a) a Multi-year Business Plan to strengthen an organization's capacity to diversify revenue sources and increase their level of self-sufficiency, visibility, and membership base.

b) a Feasibility Study of new products or services (including online services) that have the potential to generate long term profitable revenues for the organization and increase the organization's visibility/membership.

c) a Pilot Project to develop, produce and market a new product or service which has according to a feasibility study, the potential of generating long term profitable revenues and increase the organization's visibility/membership.

Consumer Movement Development Project Contributions

The purpose of Consumer Movement Development Contributions is to strengthen organizations' capacity to work collaboratively in the interest of Canadians by developing joint plans and initiatives on major issues affecting the marketplace. These projects must be jointly sponsored and governed by two or more eligible consumer associations. Note that one organization must be designated as the "lead" association that will administer the contribution agreement.

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Duration of Projects

Research and Development projects may span a period of weeks or months, starting April 1, 2007, at the earliest, and must be completed by March 31, 2008, at the latest.

Occasionally a project may span two years. Two-year projects may start on April 1st, 2006, at the earliest, and must be completed by March 31, 2009, at the latest. A mid-term report is expected after the first year (by April 15, 2008).

The Final Project Report must be received by OCA no later than 90 days after the project completion deadline.

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Application Process

A funding request includes all of the following documents:
Application Form (One copy)
  • Application Form completed, and signed by a person with signing authority within your organization. Provide information on:
    • Membership
    • Donors
    • Magazine/Newsletter
    • Declaration of Conflict Form
    • Declaration of Lobbyist Registration Act
    • Other Funding Requests

Supporting Documents (One copy)
  • Statement of Incorporation
  • Latest Audited Financial Statement (2005-06)
  • Current year budget forecast (2006-07)
  • Background Information (aims, objectives, and structure)
Note: First time applicants must also include a copy of their by-laws.
Project Proposal (Two copies)

Please provide one application form and one set of supporting documents, and two copies each of project proposals in hard copy, and, if possible, an electronic version of the proposal on diskette or CD in either Word or WordPerfect format, or by e-mail.

You will find the Application Form and suggested format for research and development project proposals in appendices.

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Application Deadline

The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, December 15, 2006. Only "complete" applications received on or before the Program deadline will be considered. To be considered "complete" an application must include a completed and signed copy of the Application Form, required supporting documents, and one or a number of project proposals.

Deadline to submit joint Project Proposals. In the days following the deadline for applications, a list of submitted research project proposals will be forwarded to applicants of research funding. Organizations submitting proposals addressing identical issues will be encouraged to contact each other to discuss the possibility of submitting joint project proposals. Those organizations wishing to submit a joint proposal will have until Friday, January 12, 2007, to apply. Only one proposal on a given topic will be funded in a fiscal year.

Applicants are invited to discuss and/or submit proposal ideas with a representative of the Office of Consumer Affairs no later than Friday December 1, 2006.

Applications are deemed to have been received by the Office of Consumer Affairs on the date they are post-marked by registered mail; or delivered to a messenger or specialized courier agency; or on the day they are received by fax or e-mail. Fax copies and e-mails are accepted as long as the original signed copy of the Application form is forwarded by separate mail. E-mail applications must be forwarded to the following e-mail address:

You can address your requests or forward your application to:

    Lisette da Silva
    Policy Analyst
    Office of Consumer Affairs
    Industry Canada
    235 Queen Street
    Ottawa, Ontario K1A OH5
    Tel: (613) 952-2771 FAX: (613) 952-6927 E-mail:

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Program Budget

The total amount available under the Program is $1,690,000 per fiscal year. However, this amount may be subject to cancellation, reduction or increase in the event that funding levels are changed by Parliament.

The maximum amount allocated per project is $100,000 a year, except for two year projects which are limited to a maximum amount of $200,000 per project, of which a maximum of $100,000 can be awarded in each given year. The maximum amount that can be awarded to any one organization in a given year is $500,000 for all projects undertaken.

There are no predetermined amounts to which specific organizations are entitled under the Program. Organizations compete for the funding. Their proposals are judged on the basis of merit, and organizations may receive more one year and less the next depending on the quality of the project proposals submitted.

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Allowable Expenses

Eligible costs for contributions will be those costs that are incurred by the recipient and which, in the opinion of the Minister, are reasonable and required to carry out the eligible activities to which they relate.

Contributions funds awarded must be spent only on the project approved in the fiscal year and cannot under any circumstances be diverted to any other use. Expenses associated with the project must be reported every financial quarter and are subject to audit.

Both direct and indirect costs are chargeable to research project. Up to 15 percent of the total eligible costs supported can be comprised of indirect expenses. See Appendix VI for additional information on allowable expenses categories. You are requested to use these categories in preparing your budget.

Development contributions are provided only for direct costs associated with the specific development-related activities identified.

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Assessment Process

Applicants should bear in mind the competitive nature of the application process. Applicant organizations and applications for funding are reviewed in accordance with the general program objectives as well as the specific eligibility criteria of the particular type of funding sought.

Key evaluation criteria for research proposals include: relevance, importance and timeliness of the issue; methodology, capability, and cost; and communication of project results. Research proposals are assessed by policy analysts of the Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA), and other relevant departments, and agencies. Proposals dealing with financial issues are reviewed by the Financial Services Advisory Committe (composed of representatives from the Financial Institutions Division of Finance, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), and the OCA).

Development project proposals are assessed by OCA. Key evaluation criteria of Organizational Development Proposals include: the likelihood that the project will assist the organization achieve greater financial self-sufficiency; the feasibility of the workplan (clear, realistic, measurable objectives; specific deliverables and time frames; etc.); the project team's ability to carry out the project and reach stated objectives; and the budget. The proposal must indicate how the project will assist the organization fulfil its mandate and how it fits within its overall business plan. Key evaluation criteria of Consumer Movement Development project proposals are evaluated on the basis of the likelihood that the project will assist the organizations' capacity to work collectively and strengthen the Canadian consumer movement.

Each proposal is scored on a total of 100 points. Projects are ranked by overall score, from the highest to the lowest. Amounts requested for research projects with the highest scores are subtracted from the amount allocated for Research Project Contributions until no funds remain. The same process is used for Development Project Contributions.

All evaluations are reviewed by the Office of Consumer Affairs' Program Management Committee composed of the Director General, Director Policy, and Director Consumer Services and Outreach. Before making final funding recommendations, the Committee examines each project proposal in light of:

i) the consistency and accuracy of scoring in assessments by internal and external reviewers;
ii) program priorities and relevance of the proposal to policy making;
iii) the capacity of the organization to deliver and to make effective use of results; and
iv) capacity building in the consumer movement.

All funding decisions will be announced at the same time, early in fiscal year 2007-08. After the announcement, OCA officers welcome any questions and offer debriefing concerning the assessment of proposals, or on the Contributions Program more generally.

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Other Sources of Funding

Applicants may seek other sources of funding for proposed projects, however, this information must be declared when applying under the program.

NOTE: Failure to disclose the information on other government assistance would constitute a default and remedial action would apply as per the Program's Terms and Conditions.

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Contribution Agreement

On approval of a contribution, a detailed Contribution Agreement will be drawn up and signed by the recipient group and Industry Canada. A Contribution Agreement is a formal arrangement between the organization and the department regarding the project contribution awarded.

By accepting a contribution, your organization agrees to carry out the funded project and to be accountable for the amounts received. Accordingly, the department agrees under certain conditions to assume all or part of the project's related costs for a set amount. Conditions for project contributions funding are detailed in the Contribution Agreement.

When signed, the Contribution Agreement deliverables cannot be changed or modified without the consent of both parties and without any such change being recorded as an official amendment to the agreement.

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Reporting Requirements

By signing the Agreement, your organization agrees to submit a progress report and financial report, at the end of each quarter, for the duration of the project. More specifically, recipients will provide statements of progress with each claim for payment. Industry Canada staff will compare project progress reports submitted by recipient organizations against achievement of deliverables in the projects' detailed workplan appearing in the contribution agreements and be satisfied that the deliverables are met before payments are made. A project Final Report will accompany the final payment of the contribution.

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Methodological Review of Research Project Results and Final Report

Unless exempt specifically by OCA, organizations are required to submit an independent review of the research project methodology, conclusions, and recommendations by a qualified methodologist before making results public. The methodologist is to provide a one or two page opinion on the validity of the conclusions and policy recommendations, given the methodology employed in the study. Organizations must take into account the methodologist's comments before drafting the final version of their project reports.

More specifically, the methodologist is asked to ascertain:

  • that the methodology used to gather the information was valid and produced reliable data;
  • that the methodology used to analyse the data was appropriate for the stated objectives of the project; and
  • that all conclusions and recommendations are substantiated by the data and analysis presented.

The organization must provide evidence that the methodologist has appropriate qualifications and experience to assess the validity of the research methods employed in relation to the subject matter of the study. Please note that OCA will not accept a methodologist review unless fully satisfied that the methodologist has the required relevant expertise and qualifications to review project results and final report. Organizations are strongly encouraged to submit to OCA for review and approval the name and qualifications of the methodologist before he/she is hired.

When submitting the methodologist report the organization must provide a signed statement that the methodologist is an independent third party from your organization -- that he/she is not an employee, a recent former employee, a Board member or a former recent member of the Board, etc. of your organization.

An independent external review of a Development Project methodology, conclusions, and recommendations is not required.

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You are required to answer the questions on the Application form to provide:

  • assurance that, where lobbyists are utilized, they are registered in accordance with Lobbyists Registration Act and that no actual or potential conflict of interest exists nor any contingency fee arrangement; For more information, please contact Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists Industry Canada 255 Albert Street, 10th Floor Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G8 Tel: (613) 957-2760 Fax: (613) 957-3078 Email: Or visit:
  • assurance that no former public servant, who is not in compliance with the Values and Ethics Code for Public Servants, shall derive benefits from this agreement; and,

        For more information, please contact
        Office of Public Servant Values and Ethics
        L'Esplanade Laurier
        300 Laurier Avenue West
        10th Floor, West Tower
        Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R5
        Tel: (613) 957-2458 Fax: (613) 941-5311
        Or visit:
  • assurance that no former public office holder, who is not in compliance with the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders, shall derive a direct benefit from this agreement.

        For more information, please contact:
        Office of the Ethics Commissioner
        Parliament of Canada
        66 Slater Street, 22nd Floor
        Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
        Tel: 613-995-0721 Fax: 613-995-7308 Email:
        Or visit:
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Language Policy

Consumer and voluntary organizations working at the national level and receiving substantial financial assistance from the department are encouraged to provide services in both English and French and to foster the recognition and use of those languages especially in areas of significant demand recognized by the department.

In order to reach the broadest number of stakeholders, recipient organizations are asked to provide executive summaries of Final Reports in English and French. Organizations are encouraged to provide full reports in both official languages where the organization believes there is sufficient demand. Translation costs are allowable expenditures under the Program.

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Created: 2006-10-23
Updated: 2006-10-31
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