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Transport Canada > Civil Aviation > Aircraft Certification > Aircraft Certification - Business Plan 2003-2010

Aircraft Certification - Business Integration Model is available in Portable Document Format (file size 247 KB) which will download in approximately 1 min 10 seconds on a 28.8 connection and may be viewed using version 3.0 or higher of the Adobe® Acrobat Reader. This reader may be downloaded free of charge by visiting the Adobe® web site.

June 2003
(Revised September 2006)

Prepared by RANA International Inc.

Aircraft Certification Business Model

Aircraft Certification Business Model

Aircraft Certification Business Model: Descriptions

Ring Name


Core Competency:

The raison d’être for Aircraft Certification.

Principles of the Organization:

The operating rules of conduct within of Aircraft Certification.

Activity Areas

The priority activities for Aircraft Certification.

Management Processes:

The practices by which Aircraft Certification is managed.

Product Areas:

The types of aeronautical products overseen by Aircraft Certification.

Implementation Areas:

The regulatory structure overseen by Aircraft Certification.

Knowledge Processes:

The methods of managing information in support of Aircraft Certification activities.

Core Competency

Regulate aeronautical product designs.

Principles of the Organization

Organizational Principles


Promoting Safety

Adopts and promotes a systems approach to safety and oversight of aeronautical product design

Having Clear Accountabilities

Clarifies with staff the internal accountabilities for program delivery and with industry the shared accountability for the safety of Canadian aeronautical products

Developing & Maintaining Partnerships

Exercises shared accountability with industry through consultation, joint initiatives and open lines of communication

Using Risk Management Approach

Employs appropriate risk management processes in decision-making

Fostering Continuous Improvement

Works towards a more effective and efficient Aircraft Certification contribution to the safety framework and implements performance measures and goals

Activity Areas

Activity Area
Sub Heading


Qualifying Aeronautical Products, Individuals and Organizations

  • Certification

Aircraft Certification certifies the design of Canadian aeronautical products on behalf of the Minister of Transport.

  • Delegations

Aircraft Certification Manages the ministerial delegation of authority to organizations and individuals in the aerospace industry.

Oversight of the Aviation System

  • Oversight and Surveillance

Aircraft Certification exercises due diligence on behalf of the Canadian public by overseeing aeronautical product design certification and design approval certificate holders and delegates.

  • Continuing Airworthiness

Aircraft Certification monitors both Canadian designed and Canadian operated products, and takes the corrective actions necessary to resolve in-service aircraft airworthiness issues.

Education, Promotion and Evaluation

  • Education, Promotion

Aircraft Certification educates and provides training for stakeholders in safety management systems, and promotes design safety throughout the aerospace industry.

  • Evaluation

Aircraft Certification uses safety intelligence information to support the continued airworthiness of aeronautical products.

Safety Policy, Rulemaking and Agreements

  • Standards and Regulations

Aircraft Certification develops, including research and development activities, regulations, standards and guidance material in support of Transport Canada Civil Aviation legislation.

  • International Cooperation

Aircraft Certification sustains collaborative work relationships with foreign authorities and international agencies, through the use of international agreements. 

Leadership and Management


Aircraft Certification provides national leadership for all matters relating to the certification of aeronautical products in Canada and delivers its services through its cadre of committed staff and delegates in accordance with the Management Processes outlined below.

Management Processes

Management Process


1. Business Planning

Aircraft Certification sets strategic direction through an annual business planning process.

2. Work Group Management

Aircraft Certification assigns work groups to deal with specific government-industry activity, e.g. process improvements.

3. Priority Management

Aircraft Certification manages activity areas and initiatives arising from its Business Plan and daily operations.

4. Resource Management

Aircraft Certification manages its business practices in support of its activity areas, i.e. financial management cost and fee recovery, material management and human resources management, including ongoing staffing and the annual training and development.

5. Program delivery

Aircraft Certification manages its delivery through its organizational structure, project management, process management, quality management, research and support to other organizations.

6. Education and Promotion

Aircraft Certification educates and provides training for stakeholders in safety management systems, and promotes design safety throughout the aerospace industry.

7. Performance Management

Aircraft Certification solicits and provides feedback on organizational and individual performance.

Product Areas

Product Area


1. Engines and Propellers

Aircraft Certification segments the aeronautical industry in terms of key types to oversee.

2. Appliances and Equipment

3. Fixed Wing

4. Rotocraft

5. Other Products

Implementation Areas

Implementation Area


1. 511-513-Certification

Aircraft Certification fields professionals who oversee specific regulated areas of the aerospace industry.

2. 505: Delegation

3. 516-551: Design Standards

4. 591-593: Service Difficulty Reporting: AirWorthiness Directives

5. The Aeronautics Act

Knowledge Processes

Knowledge Process


1. Policies, Instructions and Guidance

Aircraft Certification provides knowledge processes in support of internal and external stakeholders implementing regulatory standards.

2. Database Systems

Aircraft Certification uses a number of technological systems to collect, track and make use of information related to its activities.

3. Knowledge

Aircraft Certification acts as the source of knowledge and expertise for issues and practices related to its services across Canada and abroad.

4. Technical Reference Center

Aircraft Certification contributes to a Directorate level library of information.

5. Information Analysis

Aircraft Certification professionals interpret data in order to support the regulatory decision making process.

6. Communications

Aircraft Certification communicates within Transport Canada and externally to other government organizations, industry, and foreign and international agencies.

Last updated: 2006-10-04 Top of Page Important Notices