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 Aircraft Certification

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Transport Canada > Civil Aviation > Aircraft Certification

Civil Aviation Service Line
Planning Priorities for 2005-06 and 2006-07


To provide functional guidance to Civil Aviation Managers (at Headquarters & in the Regions), for their resource planning activities for the upcoming years. Managers will continue to allocate their resources in accordance with risk management principles, as circumstances dictate.


Oversight of the aviation system (the audit and inspection program) remains one of the top priorities. In keeping with this, current program policy provides for the surveillance of existing companies to take precedence over the certification of new ones.

For planning purposes, the resources required to accomplish these activities are derived from the Frequency of Inspection Policy Document (TP12840), and are assigned through an inspection plan. Should existing resource levels be insufficient to support the Civil Aviation Program in accordance with the priorities listed below, the resource shortfall and its impact must be communicated to the next higher level of Transport Canada management, via the Service Line Plan or some alternate, more streamlined mechanism.

Program effectiveness and efficiency initiatives, such as safety management systems (SMS) and the Civil Aviation Integrated Management System (IMS), will continue to be a priority in order to realize their potential benefits from the perspective of program delivery and resource requirements.

It should be noted that there are various non-discretionary, typically urgent activities that do not appear in the following priorities. These include such things as ministerial responses, Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada (TATC) hearings, access to information requests, etc., all of which need to be conducted on an as required basis.

The following priorities were updated in November 2005 by the Aircraft Certification Management Team (ACMT, which consists of Headquarters Chiefs in the Aircraft Certification Branch and the Regional Managers, Aircraft Certification) and are included in the Civil Aviation Program Planning Priorities document.

Aircraft Certification Function:

Activity Area Specific Priorities

Oversight of the aviation system(SO, OSO, IEC)

Immediate Outcome:
Determination of the level of compliance and confirmation that hazards and risks are systematically managed

Level 1: .

  • Surveillance and audit of delegates and companies .
  • Surveillance of air operations, technical investigation and corrective action .
  • Responding to incidents, accidents and investigative reports .
  • Surveillance of design approvals through Level of Involvement (LOI) .
  • Surveillance of the manufacturing process by conducting production flight tests

Qualifying aeronautical products, individuals and organizations(C)

Immediate Outcome:
Reasonable expectations that individuals, organizations and/or products can operate safely

Level 1:

  • Support of flight authorities. . Issuance of alternate means of compliance (AMOCs)

Level 2:

  • Provision of external delegation authorization to AEO, DAO and DAR .
  • Issuance of domestic design approvals .
  • Review and acceptance of the design of imported aeronautical products

Level 3:

  • Type design examinations of foreign products

Rulemaking and agreements(PD, FD)

Immediate Outcome:
Regulatory framework and agreements focused on performance and risk management

Level 1:

  • Exemptions to CARs

Level 2:

  • Domestic rulemaking, policy and guidance, specifically, CAR 521, SMS, ADO
  • Bilateral agreements
  • Research and development

Level 3:

  • International regulatory harmonization and standardization, including ICAO activities;

Education, promotionand evaluation(PEI)

Immediate Outcome:
Increased understanding of hazards and risks as well as techniques for proactively managing them

Level 1:

  • Producing safety information

Level 2:

  • Delegates and industry training, conferences, workshops and fora;

Leadership and management(MA)

Immediate Outcome:
Effective organization that embraces continuous improvement

Level 1:

  • Business Plan implementation
  • Development and implementation of the Civil Aviation Integrated Management System (IMS)

Level 2:

  • Training and development


  1. Oversight is maintained as the Directorate Number 1 priority.
  2. All priorities with the same ranking in different Activity Areas should be treated equally in the planning process.


Last updated: 2006-11-02 Top of Page Important Notices