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Bob RosnerBy Bob Rosner
Updated once a week
Dealing with someone you think is lying
Bob Rosner (December 12, 2006)
DEAR WW: I've never caught my co-worker in a lie. But my gut says that he is seriously truth-challenged. Is there anything that I can do to ensure that he's telling me the truth?

Norman GrosmanBy Norman Grosman,
Senior Partner
Grosman, Grosman & Gale
Employment Lawyers
Overtime for Managers
Norman Grosman (December 18, 2006)
Are managers entitled to over-time pay?


Today's News from the Globe and Mail
Monday Morning Manager Harvey Schachter's guide on how to handle everything from overflowing e-mail to meeting overload
Harvey Schachter (Monday, December 18, 2006)
Main item: Striking a strategic balanceIn the competing priorities facing managers, three tensions stand out, notable not only for their bottom-line importance but also because progress on one front seems to come at the expense of progress on another. In Harvard Business Review, consultants Dominic Dodd and Ken Favaro urge you to avoid lurching from one side of a tension to the other, as is common, and instead seek a balance:


The Toronto Star
Business tomes: read 'em and reap
Janis Foord Kirk (December 11, 2006)
If you're searching for a small, thoughtful gift for someone on your shopping list this season, don't forget to check out the business or career sections of your local bookstore.