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The Kwanlin Dun First Nation Final Agreement

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Chapter 12 - Development Assessment

12.1.0 Objective

The objective of this chapter is to provide for a development assessment process that:
recognizes and enhances, to the extent practicable, the traditional economy of Yukon Indian People and their special relationship with the wilderness Environment;
provides for guaranteed participation by Yukon Indian People and utilizes the knowledge and experience of Yukon Indian People in the development assessment process;
protects and promotes the well-being of Yukon Indian People and of their communities and of other Yukon residents and the interests of other Canadians;
protects and maintains environmental quality and ensures that Projects are undertaken consistent with the principle of Sustainable Development;
protects and maintains Heritage Resources;
provides for a comprehensive and timely review of the environmental and socio-economic effects of any Project before the approval of the Project;
avoids duplication in the review process for Projects and, to the greatest extent practicable, provides certainty to all affected parties and Project proponents with respect to procedures, information requirements, time requirements and costs; and
requires Project proponents to consider the environmental and socioeconomic effects of Projects and Project alternatives and to incorporate appropriate mitigative measures in the design of Projects.

12.2.0 Definitions

In this chapter, the following definitions shall apply.

"Designated Office" means a community or regional office of Government, an office of a Yukon First Nation or another office identified pursuant to the Development Assessment Legislation in accordance with Yukon First Nation Final Agreements and for the purposes set out in 12.6.0.

"Development Assessment Legislation" means Legislation enacted to implement the development assessment process set out in this chapter.

"Environment" means the components of the Earth and includes:

  1. air, land and water;

  2. all layers of the atmosphere;

  3. all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms; and

  4. the interacting natural systems that include components referred to in (a), (b) and (c).

"Existing Project" means an enterprise or activity or class of enterprises or activities which has been undertaken or completed in the Yukon which is not exempt from screening and review.

"Independent Regulatory Agency" means an agency established by Government that is identified in the Development Assessment Legislation which issues a licence, permit or other authorization, the terms and conditions of which are not subject to variation by Government.

"Plan" means a plan, program, policy or a proposal that is not a Project.

"Project" means an enterprise or activity or class of enterprises or activities to be undertaken in the Yukon which is not exempt from screening and review.

"YDAB" means the Yukon Development Assessment Board established pursuant to Development Assessment Legislation.

12.3.0 Development Assessment Legislation

Government shall implement a development assessment process consistent with this chapter by Legislation.

The parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement shall negotiate guidelines for drafting Development Assessment Legislation and these drafting guidelines shall be consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

Failing agreement on guidelines, Government shall Consult with the Council for Yukon Indians and with Yukon First Nations during the drafting of the Development Assessment Legislation.

Government shall recommend to Parliament or the Legislative Assembly, as the case may be, the Development Assessment Legislation consistent with this chapter as soon as practicable and in any event no later than two years after the effective date of Settlement Legislation.

Canada shall recommend to Parliament necessary amendments to existing Legislation including, but not limited to, the Yukon Quartz Mining Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. Y-4, Yukon Placer Mining Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. Y-3, Territorial Lands Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. T-7 and Northern Inland Waters Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N- 25, to ensure its conformity with the Development Assessment Legislation.

Prior to the enactment of Development Assessment Legislation, the parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement shall make best efforts to develop and incorporate in the implementation plan provided for in 12.19.1, interim measures for assessing a Project which shall be consistent with the spirit of this chapter and within the existing framework of Law and regulatory agencies.

12.4.0 Scope

Subject to this chapter, the following matters are subject to the development assessment process:
Projects and significant changes to Existing Projects; and
in accordance with 12.8.0,

  1. a proposed enterprise or activity located outside the Yukon with significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects in the Yukon,

  2. temporary shutdown, abandonment or decommissioning of an Existing Project,

  3. Plans,

  4. Existing Projects,

  5. development assessment research, or

  6. studies of environmental or socio-economic effects that are cumulative regionally or over time.

YDAB and each Designated Office shall consider the following matters when carrying out their functions:
the need to protect the special relationship between Yukon Indian People and the Yukon wilderness Environment;
the need to protect the cultures, traditions, health and lifestyles of Yukon Indian People and of other residents of the Yukon;
the need to protect the rights of Yukon Indian People pursuant to the provisions of Settlement Agreements;
the interests of Yukon residents and Canadians outside the Yukon;
alternatives to the Project or alternative ways of carrying out the Project that avoid or minimize significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects;
measures for mitigation of and compensation for significant adverse environmental and socio-economic effects;
any significant adverse effect on Heritage Resources;
the need for a timely review of the Project;
the need to avoid duplication and, to the greatest extent practicable, provide certainty to all affected parties and Project proponents with respect to procedures, information requirements, time requirements, and costs; and
any other matters provided for in the Development Assessment Legislation.

12.5.0 Entry Point

Development Assessment Legislation shall provide criteria for classification of Projects and Existing Projects for determining their entry point to the development assessment process and further criteria for identifying exemptions from the process.

The entry point shall be either a Designated Office or YDAB.

12.6.0 Designated Office

In accordance with the Development Assessment Legislation, a Designated Office:
shall screen and may review Projects;
shall establish information requirements for Project proponents;
shall ensure that interested parties have the opportunity to participate in the assessment process;
shall make written recommendations to a Decision Body that a Project that has not been referred to YDAB be allowed to proceed, be allowed to proceed subject to any terms and conditions, or not be allowed to proceed;
may refer a Project to YDAB;
may determine the type of screening or review of a Project by that Designated Office;
may establish procedures pursuant to which a screening or review shall be conducted by that Designated Office;
may make written recommendations to a Decision Body that a Project audit or monitoring of effects be undertaken; and
may exercise any other powers and shall carry out any other duties provided for in the Development Assessment Legislation.

A Designated Office shall maintain a public registry in accordance with the Development Assessment Legislation.

Subject to, upon receipt of a recommendation from a Designated Office, a Decision Body shall, in a Decision Document, accept, vary, or reject the recommendations of that Designated Office.

12.7.0 Yukon Development Assessment Board

A Yukon Development Assessment Board shall be established pursuant to the Development Assessment Legislation.

YDAB shall be composed of an Executive Committee and an additional number of members determined in the Development Assessment Legislation.

The Executive Committee shall be composed of one member nominated by the Council for Yukon Indians, one member nominated by Government, and the chairperson of YDAB.

The Minister shall, after Consultation with the other members of the Executive Committee, appoint the chairperson of YDAB.

The Minister shall appoint the additional number of persons to YDAB, so that in total, excluding the chairperson, one half the members of YDAB are nominees of the Council for Yukon Indians and one half the members of YDAB are nominees of Government.

12.8.0 YDAB Powers and Responsibilities

In accordance with the Development Assessment Legislation, YDAB:
shall establish rules for its procedures;
shall in accordance with 12.9.0 and 12.10.0 ensure that a mandatory screening or review of a Project and a screening or review of a Project referred to it pursuant to this chapter are conducted and that written recommendations are made to a Decision Body concerning any significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects of the Project;
may make written recommendations to a Decision Body that Project audits or effects monitoring be undertaken;
shall upon request by Government, or with the consent of Government, upon request from a Yukon First Nation,

  1. conduct a review,

  2. review a temporary shut down, abandonment, decommissioning or significant change,

  3. conduct an audit, or

  4. monitor effects,

of a Project or an Existing Project, as the case may be;
may review Plans which may have significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects in the Yukon, upon request of Government or, with the consent of Government, upon request by a Yukon First Nation;
shall notify Designated Offices and other relevant review bodies and agencies of a Project and of any decision to conduct a review of the Project;
may in accordance with 12.9.0 and 12.10.0 hold joint reviews with other bodies;
may upon request by Government or, with the consent of Government, upon request by a Yukon First Nation, undertake studies of environmental or socio-economic effects that are cumulative regionally or over time, or undertake development assessment research;
may upon request by Government or, with the consent of Government, upon request by a Yukon First Nation, review an enterprise or activity located outside of the Yukon which has significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects on the Yukon;
may agree to review upon request by a Yukon First Nation and at the expense of that Yukon First Nation, any activity set out in,, and, without the consent of Government; and
may exercise any other powers and shall carry out any other duties set out in the Development Assessment Legislation.

YDAB shall establish structures and procedures to carry out its administrative functions.

YDAB shall maintain a public registry in accordance with the Development Assessment Legislation.

12.9.0 Executive Committee Powers

In accordance with the Development Assessment Legislation, the Executive Committee:
shall, before exercising any of its functions relating to the screening or review of a Project, satisfy itself that the Project proponent has,

  1. Consulted with affected communities,

  2. taken into consideration the matters identified in 12.4.2, and

  3. adhered to the procedural rules established by YDAB;
subject to 12.9.2, shall determine that a Project will be reviewed by a panel of YDAB or shall recommend to a Decision Body in writing with reasons that a Project not be reviewed by a panel;
shall, where it has recommended that a Project not be reviewed by a panel, make written recommendations to the Decision Body that the Project be allowed to proceed, be allowed to proceed subject to any terms and conditions, or not be allowed to proceed;
shall, where a review of a Project is to be conducted by a panel, determine whether the significant adverse environmental or socioeconomic effects of the Project will be,

  1. primarily on Settlement Land,

  2. primarily on Non-Settlement Land, or

  3. on both Settlement Land and Non-Settlement Land but not primarily on either Settlement Land or Non-Settlement Land;
where a review of a Project is to be conducted by a panel, establish terms of reference for the panel, and appoint a chairperson for the panel;
shall issue an annual report; and
may exercise any other power and shall carry out any other duty set out in the Development Assessment Legislation.

Subject to 12.9.4, the Executive Committee shall establish a panel to conduct a public review of a Project if:
it determines that the Project may have significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects in the Yukon or outside the Yukon;
it determines that the Project causes or is likely to cause significant public concern in the Yukon;
it determines that the Project involves technology which is controversial in the Yukon or for which the effects are unknown; or
it determines that the Project, while not generating significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects by itself, may contribute significantly to cumulative adverse environmental or socio-economic effects in the Yukon.

Subject to 12.9.4, the Executive Committee shall establish a panel to conduct:
a public review of a Project, subject to, where a Decision Body rejects the Executive Committee's recommendation that the Project not be publicly reviewed by a panel; or
a public review or other form of review as Government or a Yukon First Nation may require, where Government or a Yukon First Nation requests a review pursuant to 12.8.0.

The Development Assessment Legislation shall provide for the avoidance of duplication of any public review by a federal environmental assessment panel and YDAB, or by the Inuvialuit Environmental Impact Review Board and YDAB, either by requiring a public review only by one of those bodies or a public review by a joint body.

Where it is proposed by Government in accordance with 12.9.4 that a Project be reviewed publicly by a federal environmental assessment panel instead of by YDAB, consent of the affected Yukon First Nation shall be required before the federal environmental assessment panel is established.

If the consent pursuant to 12.9.5 is not provided within 30 days of a request from the Minister responsible for the federal environmental assessment panel, that Minister may require the Project be reviewed publicly by the federal environmental assessment panel instead of YDAB provided that:
that Minister shall appoint members to a panel in accordance with that Minister's practice and at least one quarter of the panel members shall be appointed from a list of nominees given to that Minister by the Council for Yukon Indians and at least one quarter from a list of nominees given to that Minister by the Yukon. Members of YDAB are eligible to be appointed to the panel; and
The recommendations made by the panel to that Minister shall be deemed to be written recommendations of YDAB within the meaning of 12.12.0. Such recommendations shall be referred to the Decision Body, to be dealt with in accordance with 12.12.0, 12.13.0 and 12.14.0 as if they were recommendations of YDAB, except that does not apply.

12.10.0 Panels of YDAB

Where the Executive Committee determines that the primary significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects of a Project are on Settlement Land, two thirds of the members of a panel shall be members nominated to YDAB by the Council for Yukon Indians and one third of the members of the panel shall be members nominated to YDAB by Government.

Where the Executive Committee determines that the primary significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects of a Project are on Non-Settlement Land, two thirds of the members of a panel shall be members nominated to YDAB by Government and one third of the members of the panel shall be members nominated to YDAB by the Council for Yukon Indians.

Where the Executive Committee determines that the significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects of a Project are on both Settlement Land and Non-Settlement Land but not primarily on either Settlement Land or Non-Settlement Land, apart from the chairperson, one half of the members of the panel shall be members nominated to YDAB by the Council for Yukon Indians and one half of the members of the panel shall be members nominated to YDAB by Government.

For the purposes of 12.10.0, "Settlement Land" may, if so provided in a Transboundary Agreement, include land in the Yukon held by that transboundary claimant group pursuant to its Transboundary Agreement.

12.11.0 Panel Powers

In accordance with the Development Assessment Legislation, a panel established pursuant to 12.10.0 to review a Project:
shall determine the information required from the Project proponent, the manner in which the review shall be conducted, a review schedule, and Yukon First Nation, public and local, territorial and federal government involvement in the review and such other matters as the panel considers appropriate;
shall make written recommendations to a Decision Body that a Project be allowed to proceed subject to terms and conditions or not be allowed to proceed;
may make written recommendations to a Decision Body that Project audits or effects monitoring be undertaken; and
may exercise any power and shall carry out any other responsibility set out in the Development Assessment Legislation. 12.11.2 Written recommendations and reports of a panel shall be deemed to be written recommendations and reports of YDAB.

12.12.0 YDAB Recommendations

Upon receipt of written recommendations and reports from YDAB a Decision Body shall:
accept the recommendations in their entirety in writing in a Decision Document;
refer the recommendations back to YDAB for further consideration; or
subject to, subsequent to the reconsideration by YDAB, accept the recommendations, vary the recommendations, or reject the recommendations in writing in a Decision Document.

Where a Decision Body rejects or varies the recommendations of YDAB, the Decision Body shall provide written reasons to YDAB which shall be available to the public.

12.13.0 Determination of the Decision Body

Where a Project is located wholly or partially on Settlement Land, a Decision Document is required from:
a Yukon First Nation, where the Yukon First Nation is empowered by Yukon First Nation self-government Legislation or Settlement Agreements to require its approval or other authorization, other than for access to Settlement Land as provided in Settlement Agreements; or
a Yukon First Nation, where the Project does not require a Decision Document from Government; and
Government, where the Project involves the Right to Work Mines and Minerals on Category B or Fee Simple Settlement Land, or where the Project requires an approval or other authorization from Government.

Where a Project is located wholly or partially on Non-Settlement Land, a Decision Document is required from Government.

Government and the Yukon First Nation shall Consult with each other before issuing a Decision Document for a Project where Decision Documents for the Project are required from both Decision Bodies.

Where a Decision Document is required from both Decision Bodies and the Project involves the Right to Work Mines and Minerals on Category B or Fee Simple Settlement Land:
the Decision Bodies shall endeavour to make the terms and conditions of their Decision Document conform;
notwithstanding 12.6.3 and, the Decision Bodies may only reject or vary the terms and conditions contained in the recommendations of YDAB or a Designated Office on the grounds that, to accomplish the objectives of this chapter, any of the terms and conditions are,

  1. insufficient to achieve an acceptable level of environmental and socio-economic impacts in the Yukon,

  2. more onerous than necessary to achieve an acceptable level of environmental and socio-economic impact in the Yukon, or

  3. so onerous as to undermine the economic viability of a Project; and
where the terms and conditions of the Decision Documents conflict, Government and the Yukon First Nation shall, subject to 12.14.8, exercise any discretion in granting an interest in, or authorizing the use of land, water, or other resources, in conformity with the terms and conditions of the Decision Document issued by Government.

12.14.0 Implementation of Decision Document

Government shall:
subject to 12.14.8, exercise any discretion in granting an interest in, or authorizing the use of land, water, or other resources in conformity with the terms and conditions of a Decision Document issued by Government; and
not issue any approval, authorization or, subject to Development Assessment Legislation under, provide financial assistance to a proponent with respect to a Project prior to issuing a Decision Document.

Nothing in or shall be construed to require Government to enact or amend Legislation to implement a Decision Document issued by Government or to require Government to grant an interest in or authorize the use of land, water or other resources.

A Yukon First Nation shall:
subject to and 12.14.8, exercise any discretion in granting an interest in, or authorizing the use of, land, water, or other resources in conformity with the terms and conditions of a Decision Document issued by the Yukon First Nation; and
not issue any approval, authorization or, subject to Development Assessment Legislation under, provide financial assistance to a proponent with respect to a Project prior to issuing a Decision Document.

Nothing in or shall be construed to require a Yukon First Nation to enact or amend laws passed pursuant to self-government Legislation to implement a Decision Document issued by the Yukon First Nation or as requiring the Yukon First Nation to grant an interest in or authorize the use of land, water or other resources.

Where the Project proponent requires a licence, permit, or other authorization from the National Energy Board or other Independent Regulatory Agency identified in the Development Assessment Legislation under, the Decision Body shall send the Decision Document to the National Energy Board or other Independent Regulatory Agency.

An Independent Regulatory Agency other than the National Energy Board, in issuing a licence, permit or other authorization for a Project shall endeavour to make the terms and conditions of such authorization conform, to the extent practicable, with the terms and conditions of a Decision Document issued by Government for the Project.

The National Energy Board, in issuing a licence, permit or other authorization for a Project, shall take into consideration the terms and conditions of a Decision Document issued by Government for the Project.

Where there is a conflict between the terms and conditions of a Decision Document for a Project and the terms and conditions of a licence, permit, or other authorization for the Project issued by the National Energy Board or other Independent Regulatory Agency, the terms and conditions of the licence, permit, or other authorization for the Project issued by the National Energy Board or other Independent Regulatory Agency, as the case may be, shall prevail to the extent of the conflict.

Where the terms and conditions of a licence, permit or other authorization for a Project issued by the National Energy Board or other Independent Regulatory Agency vary from those in a Decision Document issued by Government, that agency shall provide written reasons for such variance to the Decision Body.

12.15.0 Monitoring and Enforcement

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to affect Government's responsibility for the compliance monitoring of Projects.

YDAB may make recommendations under to a Decision Body that Project audits or effects monitoring be undertaken.

Upon request by YDAB, a Decision Body shall provide to YDAB information obtained through effects monitoring undertaken after the acceptance by the Decision Body of a recommendation made pursuant to 12.15.2.

YDAB may issue reports, including recommendations to a Decision Body, based on the review of the results of effects monitoring studies.

The Development Assessment Legislation may provide for the enforcement of Decision Documents.

YDAB may recommend to a Decision Body that YDAB or any other body hold a public hearing if YDAB determines that the terms and conditions of a Decision Document issued by that Decision Body may have been violated.

If the recommendation of YDAB pursuant to 12.15.6 is accepted by the Decision Body, then YDAB or the other body shall hold a public hearing.

After a body holds a public hearing under 12.15.7, the body may make recommendations to the Decision Body in respect of the disposition of the matter.

12.16.0 Transboundary Impacts

Government shall make best efforts to negotiate with other relevant jurisdictions, in Consultation with affected Yukon First Nations, agreements or cooperative arrangements that provide for development assessments equivalent to the screening and review requirements in the Yukon for enterprises or activities located outside the Yukon that may have significant adverse environmental or socio-economic effects on the Yukon.

The representation of transboundary claimant groups on the YDAB shall be as established in Transboundary Agreements and, in any case, the proportion of Government nominees on a panel shall be as provided in this chapter.

Prior to the enactment of Settlement Legislation, the parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement shall make best efforts to resolve any conflict and avoid any duplication in North Yukon between the development assessment process provided pursuant to this chapter and the environmental impact screening and review process provided pursuant to the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.

12.17.0 Relationship to Land Use Planning

Where YDAB or a Designated Office receives a Project application in a region where a regional land use plan is in effect, YDAB or the Designated Office, as the case may be, shall request that the Regional Land Use Planning Commission for the planning region determine whether or not the Project is in conformity with the approved regional land use plan.

Where a Regional Land Use Planning Commission is preparing a regional land use plan, YDAB or a Designated Office, as the case may be, shall provide the Regional Land Use Planning Commission with the information it has on any Project in the planning region for which a review is pending and shall invite the Regional Land Use Planning Commission to make representations to the panel or the Designated Office.

Where a panel is reviewing a Project and a Regional Land Use Planning Commission has determined pursuant to 12.17.1 that the Project does not conform with an approved regional land use plan, the panel shall consider the regional land use plan in its review, invite the relevant Regional Land Use Planning Commission to make representations to the panel and make recommendations to the Decision Body that conform so far as possible to the approved regional plan.

Where a Decision Document states that a non-conforming Project may proceed, the Project proponent may proceed with the Project if permitted by and in accordance with Law.

The Development Assessment Legislation shall set out the relationship between the issuance of a Decision Document for a Project that has not been assessed by YDAB and the grant of a variance from a regional land use plan or the amendment of the land use plan.

12.18.0 Funding

Each Designated Office, after Consultation with the affected Yukon First Nation, shall prepare a budget respecting its responsibilities under the Development Assessment Legislation and this chapter and shall submit that budget to YDAB or to Government, whichever is designated by Government from time to time.

YDAB shall, on an annual basis, review all budgets submitted to it under 12.18.1 and shall prepare an annual budget for its responsibilities and for those of each Designated Office under the Development Assessment Legislation and this chapter for review and approval by Government. The approved expenses of YDAB and the Designated Offices shall be a charge on Government.

12.19.0 Implementation

Government, in Consultation with the Yukon First Nations, shall prepare a detailed plan:
providing for the planning and implementation of the Development Assessment Legislation which addresses the involvement of Yukon First Nations; and
providing for the application of the Development Assessment Legislation until Yukon First Nation Final Agreements have been negotiated.

Development Assessment Legislation may provide the following:
criteria for classification of Projects for the determination of the entry point to the development assessment process;
classification of Projects for which screening and review by YDAB is mandatory;
criteria to determine the significance of adverse environmental or socio-economic effects;
the type of Plan which YDAB may review without a request by Government or Yukon First Nations;
criteria for the classes of enterprises or activities which are exempt from screening and review;
the role of YDAB, Yukon First Nations, Government, Project proponents or other participants in the provision of participant funding in reviews of Projects;
the ability of the Minister to identify a Designated Office for a type of Project;
the manner in which a Designated Office conducts a review;
time limits for activities or functions of YDAB, Designated Offices, the Minister and Yukon First Nations;
procedural requirements for Project proponents and other participants;
public participation in the review of Projects;
the process for joint reviews by YDAB and other bodies;
a listing of Independent Regulatory Agencies;
conditions respecting the provision of financial assistance to a proponent prior to assessment of a Project; and
any other matter required to implement the development assessment process.

A comprehensive review of the development assessment process by the parties to the Umbrella Final Agreement shall be completed five years after the enactment of Development Assessment Legislation.

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent Government, in Consultation with Yukon First Nations, from acting to improve or enhance socio-economic or environmental procedures in the Yukon in the absence of any approved detailed design of the development assessment process.

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to affect any existing development assessment process in the Yukon prior to the Development Assessment Legislation coming into effect.


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