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Learning German - Live and learn

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? - Nobody will deny that being able to speak German will make life easier for you in Germany. You can attend language courses at the Goethe Institut in your own country or better still attend a summer course in Germany. More

Support for Inventors - The Foot Mouse and the Disposable Bib

After the steam engine was patented, James Watt wrote: “There is nothing more foolhardy than the act of inventing. I am 35 years old but I feel as though I’ve not even contributed 35 pence worth to the enhancement of humankind.” A sentiment that many a German inventor can relate to. Therefore, Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research, wholeheartedly encourages them to continue and not merely give up. More

Picture (Video)

Lukas Zadlonski from Poland, who majors in cultural studies, on cross-border bargain hunting. (German) 


Art - Art comes from ability, commerce - and clicking

If you want to spark an argument in Germany, you just have to ask, "what is art?" You will quickly find yourself in the middle of the most marvelous dispute over what is or is not artistic work. For those of you who do not want to argue and simply look, you have thousands of museums, backyards and exhibitions in Germany to choose from. More

Hamburg - Headlines and a View of the Harbor

Media capital and Germany's biggest cargo port, Hamburg is a popular metropolis. Foghorns and the cry of seagulls are the sounds down at the harbour. Wealth and commerce define the bustling city. More

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Come learn German with Deutsche Welle! More

DFG opens “German Center for Research and Higher Education” in Delhi More

Apply now for Hamburg Masters in Media Management! More

Open Evening at the FH Cologne: Medical Economics More

Writer in Residence: Juli Zeh in Witten More

At a Glance - for Students

Do I need a work permit in Germany? More

What do I need to do first? More

Which authorities do I need to register myself with? More

Where can I get health insurance? More

At a Glance - for Researchers

What about child care and schools? More

Do I have to translate and authenticate my certifications and documents? More

Where can I learn German? More

How do I find an apartment? More


airbag 2006 More

Präsentation des Jahresgutachtens 2006/2007 More

Schicht- und Oberflächenanalytik More

Kabelkonfektion - Quo vadis 2006? More
