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Urban Transportation Showcase Program
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Urban Transportation Showcase Program

Showcase Description

City of Winnipeg
The WinSmart Showcase

The City of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba and their partners are implementing a wide range of innovative strategies to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Winnipeg’s Pembina Highway corridor.


The City of Winnipeg has a population of 620,000 people. The Winnipeg Capital Region, which contains the entire urban commutershed, is home to a further 90,000 residents and accounts for approximately 40% of Manitoba’s transportation greenhouse gas emissions.

The WinSmart showcase is focusing on increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from transportation in one of the fastest growing and most heavily trafficked areas of the city:

  • The 15-kilometre Pembina corridor runs southwest from downtown along Highway 75, through residential and employment areas including the University of Manitoba.

  • The showcase includes 10 initiatives grouped into three coordinated strategies, presented below.
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Technology Demonstration

Hybrid Technology Demonstration Bus

The showcase is demonstrating how innovative vehicle technologies reduce greenhouse gas emissions:

  • The City of Winnipeg will purchase two 60’ articulated hybrid diesel-electric buses, which will run along the Pembina Highway corridor to showcase the future of transit in Winnipeg.

  • The WinSmart program will also provide for the construction of a biodiesel fueling station to provide B10 fuel to municipal fleet vehicles.
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Making Transit, Cycling and Walking More Competitive

The showcase is implementing the following innovative transportation demand management measures and transit support measures in order to encourage alternative ways of moving around the city than the use of cars:

  • An Automatic Vehicle Location system and real-time electronic bus departure system will improve schedule adherence of buses and increase the reliability of transfer connections.

  • A new park-and-ride facility at the existing headquarters of Manitoba Hydro, situated at the junction of Pembina and Taylor will provide improved access to current transit operations and any future rapid transportation along the corridor.

  • Enhancements to a Downtown Wayfinding System will create a safe, accessible, transit and pedestrian-friendly environment.
  • An expanded Active Transportation Path running from the downtown to Jubilee Avenue alongside the Pembina Corridor will improve connectivity to important destinations like the University of Manitoba for cyclists and other path users.

  • A Community-Based Travel Marketing Project will aim to reduce automobile use through individual marketing of alternative transportation modes.

Multimodal Bridge

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Efficiency of trucking

Three showcase initiatives are reducing greenhouse gas emissions from trucking:

  • Research and promotion of innovative freight practices related to trip scheduling, load matching, idling reduction, operation and maintenance programs, and driver training
  • Development of a Truck Routing Program that will reduce GHG emissions through better trip planning and routing, as well as the creation of a digital road map which will show truck use restrictions and enable delivery fleet managers to use computerized routing models that minimize travel distances
  • A pilot e-commerce delivery project with large retail chains, to reduce customer travel and make efficient deliveries using scheduling and load matching. Vendors would also be encouraged to coordinate the delivery of Internet purchases.
Expected benefits

The WinSmart showcase will reduce GHG emissions in the Winnipeg area.

Other benefits would include:

  • Reduced congestion and auto dependence
  • Increased use of transit, carpooling, walking and cycling
  • Reduced fuel consumption and air emissions
  • Improved public health and economic efficiency
  • More compact urban form
  • Elevated public understanding of sustainable transportation issues, options and behaviours
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Impact assessment

Showcase impacts would be determined through:

  • Before-and-after indicators specific to each initiative
  • Surveys of initiative participants
Partners and Contributors

The partners and contributors in this showcase include:

  • City of Winnipeg
  • Province of Manitoba
  • Transport Canada, Urban Transport Showcase Program
  • University of Manitoba Transport Institute
  • Resource Conservation Manitoba

The showcase cost of $13,115,158 is divided as follows:

  • Technology Demonstration - $3,123,619
  • Making Transit, Cycling and Walking More Competitive — $9,334,810
  • Efficient of Trucking — $225,000
  • Project Management - $431,728
Link to detailed proposal and showcase map(s)
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Last updated: 2006-11-23 Top of Page Important Notices