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Scan of the Community Investment Sector
in Canada

Coro Strandberg
Strandberg Consulting

Brenda Plant
Brenda Plant Consulting

September 2004

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ACC Aboriginal Capital Corporations
ACFDC Aboriginal Community Futures Development Corporations
ACOA Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
AFI Aboriginal Financial Institutions
AIM Alternative Management Investment
BCIMC British Columbia Investment Management Corporation
BEA Bank Enterprise Award
CalPERS California Public Employees’ Retirement System
CCEDNet Canadian Community Economic Development Network
CDC Community Development Corporations
CDCU Community Development Credit Unions
CFDABC Community Futures Development Association of B.C.
CFDC Community Futures Development Corporations
CDFI Community Development Financial Institutions
CDLF Community Development Loan Funds
CDMB Community Development Municipal Bonds
CDP Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec
CDVC Community Development Venture Capital Funds
CED Community Economic Development
CEDIF Community Economic Development Investment Funds
CERES Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies
CI Community Investing
CRA Community Reinvestment Act
CRAQIF CRA Qualified Investment Fund
CSN Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux
DBL Double Bottom Line
DÉC EQ2 Equity Equivalent Investments
ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act
ETI Economically Targeted Investing
FAQDD Fonds d’action québécois pour le développement durable
FEÉCQ Fonds d’emprunt économique communautaire de Québec
FIDD Fonds d’investissement en développement durable
GAO General Accounting Office
HOOPP Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan
IPPC Pollution Prevention and Control
LIHTC Low Income Housing Tax Credit
LSIF Labour-Sponsored Investment Funds
MSCI Morgan Stanley Capital International
NMTC New Market Tax Credit
OISE Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
OMERS Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System
PMIA Pooled Money Investment Account
PCV Pacific Community Ventures
RRSP Registered Retirement Savings Plan
SCP Social Capital Partners
SDTC Sustainable Development Technology Canada
SIF Social Investment Forum
SIO Social Investment Organization (Canada)
SOCARIAQ Société de Capital de Risque Autochtone du Québec
SRI Socially Responsible Investment
SROI Social Return On Investment
SSHRC Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
SVC Sustainable Venture Capital
VC Venture Capital
WD Western (Economic) Diversification


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