Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Student Travel Counsellor

How do I apply for a travel counsellor position in a Visitor Information Centre?

Applications are now being accepted for Student Travel Counsellors to staff Visitor Information Centres during the 2006 season.

The application deadline is March 10, 2006.

Persons wishing to compete for the 2006 Student Travel Counsellor positions MUST complete the Student Travel Counsellor application (hard copy or on-line application). No other application will be valid.


For the purpose of this competition, applicants must be full-time (minimum of three courses) post-secondary students, with at least one year matriculation by summer 2006, and with intention to continue his/her education in the fall of 2006.

Duties involve providing visitors with an information service and promoting Prince Edward Island as the destination of choice. Applicants should be friendly, outgoing, mature and enjoy working with the public. Bilingualism and knowledge of Prince Edward Island’s diverse tourism products are definite assets.

Applications may be obtained at the Charlottetown Visitor Information Centre (178 Water St.), all Access PEI locations, Student Services on campus at Maritime Universities, Holland College, ATHI and at Tourism PEI (3rd Floor Shaw Building, 105 Rochford St., Charlottetown). Applications are also available on line at

For additional information, please contact Heather Pollard (902) 368-4441, Fax (902)368-4438.

Personal information on this form is collected under 31(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act as it relates to and is necessary for employment application and will be used for employment evaluation purposes. If you have any questions about this collection of personal information, you may contact the Director of Tourism Development at 902-368-5505.


Student Travel Counsellor Application

*Submit this form online

*Printable version of this form [230 KB PDF File]



Shaw Building

Pollard, Heather (Supervisor, Visitor Services) Province of PEI

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