Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Real Estate for Sale


Interactive Real Estate Map

Real Estate Map Screen Shot IN COOPERATION WITH THE PEI Real Estate Association, we are making information about the location of commercial and residential real estate available on an interactive map of Prince Edward Island.
Additional information about properties is provided by a direct link to the independently maintained PEI Real Estate Association websites, and This information is provided here to assist those wishing to relocate to PEI find business locations and housing.

Please note that while the Government of Prince Edward Island and the PEI Real Estate Association have used their best efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of this mapping feature, it is provided as a general reference only. The Government of Prince Edward Island and the PEI Real Estate Association assume no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of the information generated.

View the Map

Our interactive map system requires a browser that will display PNG images, and that is JavaScript-enabled. Most modern web browsers will meet both criteria. No plug-ins or special software are required. Display in Netscape 4.x is not optimum; we suggest using Netscape 6 or later.

Click here to view the map

The display will initially be of all of Prince Edward Island. As you zoom in, more details (roads, lakes, rivers, etc.) will be visible. Properties for sell will appear as you zoom in, and will be displayed as colour-coded circles. To identify a specific property, and see a link to further information, select the Identify tool and click on the property in question:

How to Identify a Property

Last updated with 2840 properties at 2006/12/09 06:35

Powered by MapServer

Our interactive map applications are developed using MapServer,
an open-source, web-based mapping toolkit.

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