Placing blame

Maher Arar says more officials must be held accountable over his case

Maher Arar said Friday he is still looking for answers about his 2002 arrest in the United States and...

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Today in the Gazette


Same-sex debate's over, Harper says

Gay marriage house won't revisit issue: Cabinet ministers Lawrence Cannon (left) and Jim Prentice stand yesterday to break with the government and vote against a motion to re-examine the law allowing gays and lesbians to wed. "The result was decisive," PM Stephen Harper said after the proposal was defeated.

MPs soundly defeat motion 175-123; 13 Tories applauded for voting to reject proposal

Prime Minister Stephen Harper officially declared the same-sex marriage issue settled yesterday after MPs handily defeated a motion to revisit a 2005 law allowing gays and lesbians to wed.




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