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TP 14181 System Safety Winter Briefing Kit - Package or Kit

This fourteen CD-ROM collection contains various promotional products produced by System Safety headquarters and regional offices. This package is primarily designed to provide the regional System Safety Specialists with a central bank of materials for the regional safety briefings. However, this collection could well serve industry in setting up their own safety briefings. 1. Runway Surface and Aircraft Performance: Articles: Aviation Safety Letter (PDF); Brochure: Flying With Skis - TP 4883E (PDF); PowerPoint: Runway Surface Condition Report; Video: Foreign Object Damage - TP 14123B. 2. Icing-Awareness and Training: Articles: Aviation Safety Letter & Vortex (PDF); PowerPoint: Winter Flying; Video: Plane Talk on Ice - TP 14189E; Video: When in Doubt. Small and Large Aircraft - TP 10643E-5; Workbook: When in Doubt... Small and Large Aircraft-Aircraft Critical Surface Contamination Training - TP 10643E (PDF): Video: When in Doubt. Ground Crew - TP 10647E-5; Workbook: When in Doubt... Ground Crew-Aircraft Critical Surface Contamination Training - TP 10647E (PDF): Video: NASA Tail Plane Icing - TP 13658E-1; Video: Icing for General Aviation Pilots - TP 14041-2E (Part I & II). 3. Meteorology and Miscellaneous Winter Flying Hazards: Articles: Aviation Safety Letter & Vortex (PDF): Take 5: Winter Tips - TP 2228E-12 (PDF); Video: Through the Overcast - TP 14185E-1 (Part I, II & III). 4. Medical and Human Factors: Articles: Aviation Safety Letter & Vortex (PDF); Poster: Dressed for Survival - TP 5306E (PDF); Video: Situational Awareness: Preventing Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) - TP 13655E-3

TP Number:  TP 14181
Publication Date:  2003-03-01
Duration / Pages:  N/A
Revision / Edition:  N/A
Distribution:  Canada
Language:  English
Current Format: Package

Other languages:   French  

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Price: $45.00   EACH
Quantity:   1

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