Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Aerial Photographs


Browse by Community

YOU CAN BROWSE AND DISPLAY our aerial photographs by community. Select a community name from the list below to display thumbnails of photographs available in that area; then click on any thumbnail to display the photograph full-size.

Click on any image for a larger version
(note that large images are approx. 1.5MB in size)

Photographs from 2000

Flight Line: FL12
Photo No.: 97

Flight Line: FL13
Photo No.: 172

Photographs from 1990

Flight Line: 13
Photo No.: 29

Flight Line: 13
Photo No.: 30

Photographs from 1974

Flight Line: L21
Photo No.: 48

Flight Line: L21
Photo No.: 49

Flight Line: L25
Photo No.: 103

Flight Line: L25
Photo No.: 104

Photographs from 1958

Flight Line: L38
Photo No.: 44

Photographs from 1935

Flight Line: 5290
Photo No.: 7

Flight Line: 5290
Photo No.: 8

Flight Line: 5063
Photo No.: 53

Flight Line: 5063
Photo No.: 54

Flight Line: 5290
Photo No.: 26

Flight Line: 5290
Photo No.: 27

Flight Line: 5290
Photo No.: 28

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