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Provincial Budget


The 2001 Provincial Budget

The 2001 Prince Edward Island Provincial Budget was presented by the Hon. Patricia J. Mella, Provincial Treasurer and Chair of Treasury Board, at 7:00 p.m. on March 29, 2001.

The Budget Address and supporting documents are available here. Acrobat files require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.

Budget Address

Acrobat version [66KB]
WordPerfect 6.1 version [69KB]

Supporting Documents

Highlights [PDF, 87KB]
Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure [PDF, 425KB]
Paper A: Background Notes on the Economy [PDF, 163KB]
Paper B: Federal Fiscal Issues [PDF, 33KB]
Paper C: Personal Income Taxes [PDF, 21KB]
Schedules [PDF, 22KB]

Related Documents

2000 Provincial Budget
1999 Provincial Budget
1998 Provincial Budget
1997 Provincial Budget

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