Supreme Court


Supreme Court Forms

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Individual Forms

4A General Heading of Documents - Actions
4B General Heading of Documents - Applications
4C Backsheet
4D Affidavit
4E Requisition
4F Notice of Constitutional Question
7A Request for Appointment of Litigation Guardian
7B Order to Continue (Minor Reaching Age of Majority)
8A Notice to Alleged Partner
11A Order to Continue (Transfer or Transmission of Interest)
14A Statement of Claim (General)
14B Statement of Claim (Mortgage Action)
14C Notice of Action
14D Statement of Claim (Action Commenced by Notice of Action)
14E Notice of Application
14F Information for Court Use
15A Notice of Change of Solicitors
15B Notice of Appointment of Solicitor
15C Notice of Intention to Act in Person
16A Acknowledgement of Receipt Card
16B Affidavit of Service
16C Certificate of Service by Sheriff
17A Request for Service Abroad of Judicial or Extrajudicial Documents
17B Summary of the Document to be Served
17C Notice and Summary of Document
18A Statement of Defence
18B Notice of Intent to Defend
19A Note of Default
19B Default Judgment (Debt or Liquidated Demand)
19C Default Judgment (Recovery of Possession of Land)
19D Default Judgment (Recovery of Possession of Personal Property)
19E Requisition for Default Judgment
22A Special Case
23A Notice of Discontinuance
23B Notice of Election to Proceed with Counterclaim
23C Notice of Withdrawal of Defence
25A Reply
27A Counterclaim (Against Parties to Main Action Only)
27B Counterclaim (Against Plaintiff and Person not already Party to Main Action)
27C Defence to Counterclaim
27D Reply to Defence to Counterclaim
28A Crossclaim
28B Defence to Crossclaim
28C Reply to Defence to Crossclaim
29A Third Party Claim
29B Third Party Defence
29C Reply to Third Party Defence
30A Affidavit of Documents (Individual)
30B Affidavit of Documents (Corporation or Partnership)
30C Request to Inspect Documents
31A Order Granting Leave to Discover A Person Who is not a Party
31B Notice of Examination
34A Notice of Examination
34B Summons to Witness (Examination out of Court)
34C Commission
34D Letter of Request
34E Order for Commission and Letter of Request
35A Questions on Written Examination for Discovery
35B Answers on Written Examination for Discovery
37A Notice of Motion
38A Notice of Appearance
42A Certificate of Pending Litigation
43A Interpleader Order - General
43B Interpleader Order - Motion by Sheriff
44A Bond - Interim Recovery of Personal Property
47A Jury Notice
48A Notice of Trial
48B Solicitor's Certificate
48BB Notice of Trial
48C Notice of Status Hearing
49A Offer to Settle
49B Notice of Withdrawal of Offer
49C Acceptance of Offer
49D Offer to Contribute
50A Pre-trial Conference Memorandum
51A Request to Admit
51B Response to Request to Admit
53A Summons to Witness (At Hearing)
53B Warrant for Arrest (Defaulting Witness)
53C Summons to a Witness Outside Prince Edward Island
53D Order for Attendance of Witness in Custody
55A Notice of Hearing for Directions
55B Notice to Party Added on Reference
55C Report on Reference (Administration of Estate)
55D Notice of Contested Claim
55E Notice to Creditor
55F Conditions of Sale
55G Interim Report on Sale
56A Order for Security for Costs
57A Bill of Costs
58A Notice of Appointment for Assessment of Costs
58B Notice to Deliver a Bill of Costs for Assessment
58C Certificate of Assessment of Costs
59A Order
59B Judgment
60A Writ of Execution
60B Writ of Sequestration
60C Writ of Possession
60D Writ of Delivery
60F Requisition for Garnishment
60G Notice of Garnishment
60H Garnishee's Statement
60H-1 Notice of Co-Owner of the Debt
60I Notice of Termination of Garnishment
60J Warrant for Arrest (Contempt)
60K Warrant of Committal
60L Notice of Claim
60M Sheriff's Report
61A Notice of Appeal to the Appeal Division
61B Title of Proceeding in Appeals to Appeal Division
61C Appellant's Certificate Respecting Evidence
61D Respondent's Certificate Respecting Evidence
61E Notice of Cross-Appeal
61F Supplementary Notice of Appeal or Cross-Appeal
61G Notice of Listing for Hearing (Appeal)
61H Certificate of Completeness of Appeal Book
61I Order Dismissing Appeal or Cross-Appeal for Delay
61J Order Dismissing Motion for Leave to Appeal for Delay
61K Notice of Abandonment of Appeal or Cross-Appeal
61L Notice of Election to Proceed with Cross-Appeal
62A Notice of Appeal from Prothonotary's Order
62B Order Dismissing Appeal For Delay
63A Certificate of Stay
64A Request to Redeem
64B Default Judgment for Foreclosure with a Reference
64C Default Judgment for Immediate Foreclosure
64D Default Judgment for Foreclosure Without a Reference
64E Final Order of Foreclosure
64F Request for Sale
64G Default Judgment for Sale with a Redemption Period (Action Converted from Foreclosure to Sale)
64H Default Judgment for Immediate Sale (Action Converted from Foreclosure to Sale)
64I Default Judgment for Sale Conditional on Proof of Claim (Action Converted from Foreclosure to Sale)
64J Default Judgment for Immediate Sale
64K Default Judgment for Sale with a Redemption Period
64L Final Order for Sale
64M Default Judgment for Redemption
64N Notice of Reference to Subsequent Encumbrancer Added on Reference
64O Notice of Reference to Subsequent Encumbrancer Named as Original Party
64P Notice of Reference to Original Defendants
64Q Notice to Added Defendant Having Interest in Equity
65A Petition for Probate
65B Petition for Grant of Administration with the Will Annexed
65C Petition for Grant of Administration
65D Executor's Oath
65E Inventory of Estate
65F Proof of Will
65G Proof of Codicil
65H Affidavit of Administration with Will Annexed
65I Administrator's Oath
65J Nomination of Administration
65K Renunciation of Probate or of Administration with the Will Annexed
65L Renunciation of Administration
65M Bond of Ordinary Administration
65N Administration Bond with Will Annexed
65O Administration Bond of Property Unadministered
65P Administration Bond with Will Annexed of Property Unadministered
65Q Justification of Sureties
65R Bond on Appeal
65S Affidavit of Execution of Bond
65T Affidavit of Justification by Sureties
65U Letters Probate
65V Letters of Administration
65W Letters of Administration with the Will Annexed
65X Notice of Having Interest
65Y Certificate of Letters Probate
65Z Certificate of Letters of Administration
65AA Warrant of Guardianship
65BB Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem
65CC Caveat Against Executor
65DD Notice to Proceed
65EE Caveat Against Proceedings
65FF Citation to Parties on Proof in Solemn Form
65GG Affidavit to Accompany Caveat
65HH Warning to Caveator
65II Notice of Contest
65JJ Subpoena
65KK Citation to Pass Accounts
65LL Citation to Bring in a Testamentary Paper
65MM Citation to Accept or Refuse Probate
65NN Citation to Accept or Refuse Administration
65OO Citation to Bring in Grant Where Revocation is Sought
65PP Intervention
65QQ Affidavit of Intervention
65RR Application for Letters of Guardianship by one of the Next of Kin of Infant Children
65SS Election by Minors of a Guardian
65TT Oath of Guardian
65UU Bond to be Given by Guardians
65VV Affidavit of Justification of Sureties
65WW Petition to Pass Accounts, Etc.
65XX Affidavit Verifying Accounts
65YY Nomination by Foreign Administrator of Administrator for Estate in Prince Edward Island
65ZZ Decree on Passing Accounts
65AAA Inventory On Passing Accounts
66A Judgment for Partition or Sale
68A Notice of Application for Judicial Review
68B Certificate of Perfection
68C Order Dismissing Application for Judicial Review
70A1 Petition for Divorce
70A2 Joint Petition for Divorce
70B1 Counterpetition (Against Petitioner and Person not Already Party to Main Action)
70B2 Counterpetition (Against Parties to Main Action Only)
70C Advertisement
70D Answer
70E Reply (Divorce)
70F Answer to Counterpetition
70G Reply to Answer to Counterpetition
70H Notice of Intent to Defend (Divorce)
70I Financial Statement
70J Waiver of Financial Statements
70K Financial Statement (Short form)
70L Net Family Property Statement
70M Director of Child Welfare's Notice of Intention to Investigate and Report
70N Waiver of Right to Dispute Director of Child Welfare's Report
70O Requisition to Note Default and Notice of Motion for Judgment
70P Petitioner's Affidavit on Motion for Judgment
70Q Respondent's Affidavit on Motion for Judgment
70R Registrar's Certificate
70S Divorce Judgment
70T Certificate of Divorce
70U Notice to File Financial Statement
70V Notice of Confirmation Hearing
70W Notice Requiring Further Evidence
70X Notice of Resumption of Hearing
71A Warrant for Arrest (Family Law)
71B Recognizance
71E Summons to Provide Evidence for an Extra-Provincial Tribunal
72A Notice of Payment into Court
72B Affidavit (Motion for Payment out of Court)
72C Stop Order
73A Notice of Application for Registration of United Kingdom Judgment
74 Small Claims (All forms)

1A - General Heading
4A - Consent to Act as Plaintiff's Litigation Guardian
4B - Consent to Act as Defendant's Litigation Guardian
5A - Notice to Alleged Partner
7A - Plaintiff's Claim
8A - Certificate of Service - Sheriff or Sheriff's Officer
8B - Affidavit of Service
9A - Defence
9B - Request for a Hearing (Dispute of Proposal of Terms of Payment)
9C - Order as to Terms of Payment
10A - Defendant's Claim
11A - Notice of Default Judgment
13A - Request for Pre-Trial Conference
15A - Notice of Motion
15B - Affidavit
16A - Notice of Trial
18A - Summons to Witness
18B - Warrant for Arrest of Defaulting Witness
20A - Certificate of Judgment
20B - Writ of Delivery
20C - Writ of Seizure and Sale of Personal Property
20D - Writ of Seizure and Sale of Land
20E - Notice of Garnishment
20F - Garnishee's Statement
20G - Notice to Co-Owner of Debt
20H - Notice of Examination
20I - Notice of Contempt Hearing
20J - Warrant of Committal

75A Notice of Non-acceptance of Quick Ruling
75B Judgment on Quick Ruling
75.01A Notice Whether Action Under Rule 75.1
75.01B Simplified Procedure Motion Form
75.01C Trial Management Checklist
77.03A Endorsements to be made on the Petition
77.06A Title of Proceeding
77.13A Notice of Trial
77.20A Notice of Application for Leave to Withdraw Petition
77.20B Notice for Publication for Leave to Withdraw Petition
78.03A Endorsement to be made on the Petition
78.06A Title of Proceeding
78.14A Notice of Trial
78.22A Notice of Application for Leave to Withdraw Petition
79.03A Application for Reduction in Number of Years' Imprisonment Without Eligibility for Parole
79.04A Application Pursuant to Section 745 Criminal Code
81A Notice of Appeal by a Defendant
81B Notice of Appeal by a prosecutor or informant
81C Certificate of Court Reporter
82A Notice of Appeal by Attorney General or counsel instructed by him
82B Notice of Appeal by a convicted person represented by counsel
82C Notice of Appeal by a convicted person not represented by counsel
82D Notice of Appeal - general form
82E Certificate of Court Reporter
82F Notice of Abandonment
83A Application for Writ of Habeas Corp

Official Website of the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island, Canada