Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Executive Council Office


Hon. Pat G. Binns
President of the Executive Council
W. Alexander (Sandy) Stewart
Clerk of the Executive Council
Karen Cheverie
Administrative Officer
Rose Long
Records Secretary
5th Floor Centre
Shaw Building
P.O. Box 2000
Charlottetown, PEI
C1A 7N8

Telephone: (902) 368-4502
Facsimile: (902) 368-6118


Dedicated to public service and effective corporate management, we provide objective, professional advice and support to enable government to foster the social and economic well being of residents of Prince Edward Island in a strong and united Canada.
The Executive Council Office:
  • provides advice and administrative service to the Executive Council and to the Strategic Planning Committee on Economic Policy, Strategic Planning Committee on Community and Social Policy, and Legislative Review Committee;
  • processes documents intended for the consideration of Executive Council (Cabinet) and the Strategic Planning and Legislative Review Committees, and promulgates the official decisions;
  • provides advice, support and direction to departments and agencies of government, and assures they are informed of the decisions of Council, and recommendations of the Strategic Planning and Legislative Review Committees;
  • coordinates and/or organizes legal, traditional administrative or ceremonial requirements associated with such events as the swearing into office of the Lieutenant Governor and Members of the Executive Council, and calling or dissolving the General Assembly of the Legislature;
  • maintains the various records associated with Province's executive arm;
  • provides notification of policies and information on matters of general application, such as assignment of ministerial responsibility for administration of public statutes and boards, commissions and agencies, disposition of bills introduced in the legislative assembly; Executive Council process or procedures; etc.
  • provides research, analysis and advice on economic and social policy and intergovernmental affairs;
  • develops and coordinates strategies and policy positions on regional and national issues;
  • provides support to the Minister Responsible for Acadian and Francophone Affairs;
  • advises, guides and assists departments and agencies in planning, implementing and delivering French language programs and services;
  • supports development/promotion of the Acadian and Francophone Community.
Executive Council Office staff also works with other departments and agencies as necessary to further government's priorities and corporate strategies and provides leadership, assistance and advice on interdepartmental projects.


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