Election Legislation

Elections PEI is responsible for the administration of the following Acts. To read these acts you will need the free Acrobat reader.

The Election Act, which is provincial legislation, is the rule book the Returning Officer follows, and all procedures, forms and other materials have been designed to administer the elections based on these rules.

The Election Act was assented to on May 2, 1996.

Printed copies of the Election Act (as well as the related Election Expenses Act, Electoral Boundaries Act, and Controverted Elections (Provincial) Act) are available from Island Information Service at:

First Floor - Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
C1A 7N8
Phone: (902) 368-4000
Fax: (902) 368-5544
E-mail: island@gov.pe.ca

Copies of the Election Act cost $ 3.20 plus GST.