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Welcome to the official website of the Prince Edward Island Securities Office. The Securities Office is the provincial authority responsible for regulating trading in securities in the province. Our primary mandate is to protect Prince Edward Island investors from unfair, improper or fraudulent practices in the marketplace. We also work alongside the securities regulators of the other provinces and territories to facilitate consistent, efficient and effective regulation of the capital markets across the country.


  • Registration, application and notice filing fees...

How to Contact the Securities Office

  • Postal, physical addresses for the office and staff contact information...

How to File a Complaint

  • Proceedures and forms for filing complaints...

Investor Alert

  • Scams, Frauds, Schemes...

Investor Education

  • Background information on investing...

Law & Policy

  • Securities Act, Regulations, Rules, Policies and Notices...

More about the Securities Office

  • What we do...


  • To other Canadian securities regulators and institutions...

Questions and Answers

  • For registrants, filers and investors...


  • Dealers, advisors and individual registrant information...

What's New

  • Up-to-date information on the latest additions to the Securities website...

The Official Website of the Government of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
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