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Technology PEI


Atlantic Technology Centre Overview

Atlantic Technology CentreProject History

In the Fall of 1999, the Province of Prince Edward Island announced its intent to develop the Atlantic Technology Centre, an information technology and innovation centre designed to help stimulate growth in the province's emerging IT industry. In July, 2000, the Province of PEI asked Technology PEI to lead the project's development. Today the Atlantic Technology Centre is a reality and is making significant contributions to the PEI economy.

Facility Design & Programming

The 130,000 square-foot, four-storey complex is located on the eastern corner of University Avenue and Fitzroy Street in Charlottetown, PEI. It provides the Island's IT, Film & New Media industries with state-of-the-art office space, a small business incubator, specialized research labs, multimedia theatres, digital audio and video productions and editing facilities, smart boardrooms, Internet café, and public exhibition areas.

The Atlantic Technology Centre provides the Prince Edward Island's IT community with leading edge infrastructure designed to attract new investment to the province, provides the local IT companies with increased access to export markets and generates attractive employment opportunities for Islanders working in the knowledge economy.

The new centre also stimulates new partnerships between Island IT companies, local post-secondary training institutions and national and international IT firms seeking a competitive business environment to locate innovative applied research and development projects. The Atlantic Technology Centre creates an environment where education and training take place in close proximity to a cluster of vibrant IT companies, providing students with a unique opportunity to acquire advanced technological and entrepreneurial skills in a dynamic business setting.

Development Focus

The Atlantic Technology Centre is designed to attract new and existing IT companies working in the early stages of the innovation cycle, including:

  • applied research,
  • new product and solutions development,
  • testing and
  • pre-commercialization.
Companies within the Atlantic Technology Centre focus primarily upon activities that support four key business segments:
  • Content and development tools for interactive digital media and e-learning;
  • Internet and e-business network applications;
  • IT solutions and applications in support of the expanding bio-resources sector;
  • New products and solutions designed for e-government service delivery.
Technology PEI is responsible for recruitment, negotiation and management of all tenancy agreements for the Atlantic Technology Centre. As well, Technology PEI is actively seeking co-investment opportunities for companies interested in providing key business services, technology and related infrastructure to the facility.

Interested in a relationship with the Atlantic Technology Centre?

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