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A Christmas Message from Anne Shirley

"Christmas morning broke on a beautiful white world. It had been a very mild December and people had looked forward to a green Christmas; but just enough snow fell softly in the night to transfigure Avonlea. Anne peeped out from her frosted gable window with delighted eyes. The firs in the Haunted Wood were all feathery and wonderful; the birches and wild cherry trees were outlined in pearl; the plowed fields were stretches of snowy dimples; and there was a crisp tang in the air that was glorious. Anne ran downstairs singing until her voice reechoed through Green Gables."

- from Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables

I REMEMBER THAT CHRISTMAS MORNING as though it had greeted me at my bedside just today. The fresh snow welcomed me from my slumber in the most glorious way; gently blanketing the dull grays and browns that a mild Christmas Eve had threatened to preserve for at least one more day. The Haunted Wood wasn't quite so ghostly on that most memorable morning and the crisp sunlight was as fresh and bright as the holiday itself.
But even brighter than the sun on that special morning were Matthew's eyes as he presented me with the most exquisite and elegant dress I had ever had the fortune of gazing upon. For the first time in my existence I teetered on speechlessness, just staring at the luxurious, silky, brown gloria, the dainty frilled skirt, that beautiful lace collar and the sleeves - those immaculate puffed sleeves that were the height of fashion in those days.
I instantly imagined myself being escorted to a royal ball on the arm of a handsome prince and all the other girls in attendance were looking at me and wishing they too could be adorned in such regal attire.
I have many fond memories of Christmas here on Prince Edward Island, but none warm my soul in quite the same manner that one does. But, it wasn't just the dress that touched my heart that day. It was the love, affection and compassion that Matthew had afforded me in giving me such an exquisite and thoughtful gift. Even Marilla, who as we all know is normally a tad grumpy, could hardly contain her delight as I marvelled at the magnificence of my present. To be surrounded by such love and admiration at Christmas is truly a blessing beyond compare.
To all my kindred spirits on the Island and around the world, may your Christmas star shine brighter this year than in any other and may you be blessed each and every day with the love of family, the devotion of friends and the passion of youth.

Happy Christmas;
Anne Shirley

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