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Call for DBS Applications Remains Open

OTTAWA, January 7, 1997 — The submission filing date for one of Canada's prime Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) orbital slots will remain open until February 28, 1997, as planned, Industry Minister John Manley announced today. “The call for applications is still open,” said Mr. Manley. “The level of interest expressed so far is encouraging. Our industry thinks a Canadian DBS facility is viable.”

The November 1996 Call for Applications to Develop and Operate Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Facilities in the 91° West Longitude Orbital Position to Serve Canadian Broadcasting Needs provided for a “fast track” process whereby applicants had to file submissions by December 16, 1996, demonstrating their ability to provide, within six months, either a DBS facility or interim high-power DBS capacity to meet Canadian needs.

Proposals submitted by the Borealis Space Corporation and Telesat Canada to provide a Canadian DBS facility did not meet the rigorous “fast track” criteria. The submissions evaluated by departmental officials were found to be either not compliant (i.e. did not meet the DBS capacity requirement with the number of transponders) or fell outside the scope of the licensing process for the orbital slot. Both applicants have been provided with an explanation why their proposals are not eligible for consideration under the “fast track” process.

Since the call for DBS applications remains open, both applicants have the opportunity to modify their proposals, or submit new ones, which will be evaluated with other submissions received by the end of February.

Broad industry consultations carried out last summer indicated that a Canadian DBS solution was feasible. “Our goal has been to facilitate the development of a Canadian DBS satellite, and we are looking to the industry to come forward with innovative plans to meet the needs of the Canadian market,” said Mr. Manley.

The initial Call for Applications was issued in November, 1996, in light of the interest expressed by the industry for a Canadian solution when it became apparent that a commercial arrangement between Telesat Canada and its two American partners to provide a Canadian DBS service had been derailed by the American Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

For further information, please contact:

Bill Milliken
Office of the Minister of Industry
(613) 995-9001

Jan Skora
Radiocommunications and
Broadcasting Regulatory Branch
(613) 990-4817