Gouvernement InfoIPE Livre d'or Guide Touristique

Website Help


Finding your way on our website

DO YOU NEED HELP finding information on our website? This page lists resources that can help you. If you're still having problems, you can feel free to send us feedback.

Site Index

A complete listing of all of the major sections and sub-sections on our website.


Search our entire website by keyword or phrase.

Adobe Acrobat

Information about the Adobe Acrobat Reader, required to read many of the documents on our site.

Increase Type Size

How to increase the size of the type in your browser to increase readability.

Guest Book

Your chance to leave a message for others to read.


Ask questions, report problems, tell us about a pothole in the road, and more.

Le site web du Gouvernement de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, Canada.
Veuillez lire nos politiques relatives au droit d'auteur et à la protection de la vie privée..