Plebiscite on Mixed Member Proportional Representation System - Official Results

Official results of the Plebiscite on Mixed Member Proportional Representation System are available in a variety of formats:

General Purpose Resources

Special Purpose and Experimental Resources

Note about Voter Turnout

Because no emumeration of electors was conducted, and no Official List of Electors prepared, no official count of electors is available for the plebiscite. An approximate idea of voter turnout can be calculated using the 2003 Provincial General Election figure of 97,180 eligible electors.

Note about Plebiscite Threshold

On October 25, 2005, Executive Council approved the following threshold limits for the November 28, 2005 Plebiscite on Prince Edward Island's Electoral Future as follows:
  1. At least 60% of the valid votes cast province wide would need to approve the proposal; and
  2. At least 50% of the valid votes cast in at least 60% (16) of the provinces's 27 electoral districts would need to approve the proposal.