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Travel Essentials

Prince Edward Island is an island located off the eastern coast of Canada. Prince Edward Island covers a land mass of 5,660 square kilometres (2,184 square miles). Its highest point of land is 152 metres (466 feet) above sea level at Springton in Queens County. The Island is only 224 km (139 miles) long and between 6 km and 64 km (four and 40 miles) wide. No part of the Island is more than 16 kilometres from the ocean.

PEI is the smallest province in Canada with a population of 138,900 in the year 2000 and it is located in the Atlantic time zone.

There are two cities, Charlottetown (the capital) and Summerside. The Island is divided into three counties - Kings, Queens and Prince.


Miles of white sand and red cliffs abound on Prince Edward Island!

Bilingual Services

Operators who offer French services have designated symbols. A French Island Guide is also available.

Conversion Charts

PEI, like the rest of Canada, uses the metric system of measurement.

Driving on PEI

Gasoline prices, road signs, driving distances and more...

Emergency Services

The Province-wide 911 Emergency Response System is in place in PEI.


Use our accommodation search to find hostels located across the Island.

Identification & Health Insurance

Important information for everyone travelling to PEI.

Legal Age

Information about the legal drinking age in PEI, liquor stores, and minors.

Money Matters

Useful information about foreign currency and taxes (PST & GST) paid in PEI.

Special Needs

Help with finding accommodations, campgrounds & parks that are barrier-free.

Travelling with your Pet

Veterinary clinics, kennels, beach rules and more will be found in this section.


Seasonal temperature ranges as well as information on rainfall and snowfall are found here.