Supreme Court


About the Reasons for Judgment

This website database contains decisions of the Supreme Court of P.E.I. since January 1, 1997. Please note that with respect to some cases, only the name of the case and a short headnote is available. These are: (1) cases in which as publication ban has been imposed under the Criminal Code or other legislation; (2) cases involving actions, applications or petitions under the Family and Child Services Act, The Family Law Act and The Divorce Act. This database is updated as reasons are released and they will be available, at the earliest, one day after they are released to the parties or their counsel.
Unless oral judgments are edited and subsequently released in written form, they are not included on this database.
The reasons are indexed by date and general area of law. There is also a search capability in that decisions may be searched by keyword.
The official version of the Supreme Court reasons for judgment is the signed original in the court file. In the event there is a question about the content of a judgment, the original of the judgment in the court file takes precedence. Copies of the original judgment can be obtained by contacting the Registrar's Office in Charlottetown and referring to the docket number in the upper right hand corner of the first page of the judgment. A photocopying charge is payable.

Official Website of the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island, Canada