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Did you know that there are almost 200 Geocache sites in Prince Edward Island? Not sure what geocaching is? Read on to find out more about this exciting new adventure!

So what exactly is Geocaching? Some might call it a modern day version of hide and seek. It’s probably best defined as an entertaining adventure game for Global Positioning Device (GPS) users. Caches are set up all over the world and their locations (coordinates) are posted on the Internet and then GPS users get to hunt for the cache. Caches are typically water-proof containers which can range in size from a film canister to a bucket and often contain a log book and several trinkets from Geocachers who have been there before them. Help yourself to one of the trinkets but be sure and leave one of your own!

And just how did this all get started? Well, it originated in Beaver Creek, Oregon, in 2000 with a small community of avid GPS users. It began with the idea of testing the accuracy of GPS coordinate units. The rules were simple - hide a container someplace, note its coordinates with a GPS unit, post these on the internet, and then challenge other GPS users to find the container.

Visit the site to learn more about Geocaching and to find the GPS coordinates for those hidden caches on the Gentle Island.