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Greening Government

Greening Government

Priority Work / Areas / Actions


Priority Work / Areas / Actions

The following committees and task groups have been set up to move forward the Sustainable Development in Government Operations (SDGO) initiative as well as specific areas identified as priorities by the decision making body for the initiative.

Director General's Sustainable Fedreal House in Order Committee (DG SFHIO Ctte.)

Task Group on Environmental Management Systems

Task Group on Green Procurement

Task Group on Sustainable Real Property

Sustainable Development in Government Operations (SDGO) Guidance

Director General's Sustainable Federal House in Order Committee (DG SFHIO Ctte.)

Mandate origin: The FHIO group was created to develop and implement the federal house component of Action Plan 2000 and the SDGO group was created by the then Deputy Ministers’ Sustainable Development Coordinating Committee to bring increased coordination to the effort to green the government’s operations.  This DG SFHIO Committee was created to provide guidance and coordination for sustainable government operations.

Environment Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Public Works and Government Services Canada

The committee is chaired by three Directors General, one from each of the co-lead departments. The members of the DG SFHIO are Directors General from departments and agencies that participate in the FHIO and/or SDGO initiative.

Sub-Committees/Working Groups
The DG SFHIO Committee is supported by a number of Priority Task Groups, which are also supported by various committees and working groups. The current Priority Task Groups are:

• FHIO Working Group
• Federal Vehicles Initiative WG
• SDGO Working Group
• Task Group on Environmental Management Systems
• Task Group on Sustainable Real Property
• Task Group on Green Procurement
• Task Group on Guidance

DG SFHIO Meetings
The DG SFHIO is scheduled to meet 6 times a year. Consult the Calendar for information about upcoming meetings.


Task Group On Environmental Management Systems

Mandate/Focus: This task group will promote the development and implementation of functional Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) in federal departments and agencies. It will also provide strategic and operational advice on the development of EMSs. Its contribution will allow for better measurement and monitoring of the government's performance. As part of its mandate, the Task Group will streamline other interdepartmental working groups and committees and determine the relationship that remaining ones will have with this group.

Environment Canada
Transport Canada

Tools of interest
Links of interest

Task Group on Green Procurement

Mandate/Focus: A DG-level interdepartmental Sustainable Development in Government Operations (SDGO) Green Procurement Task Group (GPTG) has been set up to: develop a Federal Green Procurement Strategy; assist departments and agencies with implementing the Treasury Board Secretariat Green Procurement Policy when it comes into effect; and, share general practices.

National Defence
Public Works and Government Services Canada

Tools of interest
Links of interest
Articles of interest

Task Group on Sustainable Real Property

Mandate/Focus: The Task Group on Sustainable Real Property focuses on the development of a coordinated federal approach related to applying sustainable development requirements to building design, construction and operations. Specific issues to be addressed include consensus on sustainable project definition, standards and building assessment tools which are integral for both building design guidance and assessment and operations.

Vision sub-group
Assessment Tools sub-group
Policy sub-group
Green Construction Procurement sub-group

National Defence
Public Works and Government Services Canada

Tools of interest
Links of interest
Articles of interest

Sustainable Development In Government Operations (SDGO) Guidance

Mandate/Focus: To provide guidance on greening federal government operations to departments and agencies that are required to prepare and table in the House of Commons a Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) every three years.

National Defence
Public Works and Government Services Canada
This task group is chaired at the working level.

Creation date: 2002-04-11
Last updated : 2004-08-19
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Last reviewed: 2004-08-19See resource details
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