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Welcome from EMO

Without warning, an emergency can strike and change your community forever! Canadians are experiencing more frequently intense weather related situations, i.e., flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes, ice storms, and forest fires. Living on the East Coast, we have come to expect higher ocean levels and more blustery weather, including storm surges.

Living in Prince Edward Island does not make us immune to any of these life threatening situations, as we have witnessed with the destruction of Hurricane Juan. As Islanders, we have a responsibility to know and understand the types of emergencies we may face and to the best of our ability, be prepared to meet them.

The Prince Edward Island Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) is responsible for the development and coordination of an overall provincial emergency management program in relation to emergencies and disasters.

Through the provisions of the Emergency Measures Act, EMO provides the infrastructure for planning, training, and advisory services for provincial and local government authorities and private industry. EMO actively participates when an emergency or disaster develops beyond the capability of the local government, and also administers special assistance programs authorized by the Government of Prince Edward Island following emergencies and disasters.


To provide the Province of Prince Edward Island with an emergency management system for the protection of persons, property and the environment in response to emergencies and disasters.


Our desired future state is to have the knowledge that all Islanders are fully prepared to protect themselves to the best of their ability by being able to respond to emergencies and disasters within their own level of government.


PEI Emergency Measures Organization evolved from the Civil Defence Organization of the 1950s and 60's, when governments began to recognize the need for all levels of government and the private sector to plan for, and deal with, peacetime emergencies and disasters. We became firmly established in 1966, and confirmed our present role with the ever increasing potential for natural and person-caused emergencies and disasters. We have broadened our scope to include all phases of emergency management, including mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.

EMO Responsibilities

The PEI Emergency Measures Organization is responsible for providing services to all levels of government, industry and the private sector in the following areas of emergency management: Administration, Planning,Training, Operations and Public Information.

Contact EMO

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