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Public Information

EMO encourages and promotes public awareness on emergency management by providing educational material and resources to the general public at our office or right here on our web site.

EMO offers a wide variety of brochures which provide practical emergency management tips and set out steps to help Islanders prepare for, respond to and recover from emergency situations. These brochures were developed by the Office of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada. For a copy of these brochures, visit our office or the Safe Guard Web Site.





Business Continuity Plan

A business continuity plan enables critical services or products to be continually delivered to clients. Instead of focusing on resuming a business after critical operations have ceased, or recovering after a disaster, a business continuity plan endeavors to ensure that critical operations continue to be available.

Natural Hazards

Natural Hazards of Canada depicts the locations, types and magnitudes of significant natural disasters that have affected Prince Edward Island and the rest of Canada during a 150-year period.


If the emergency is serious enough, you may decide to evacuate on your own or you may be asked to leave your home and go to a nearby evacuation centre, like a school gym or a community hall.

Emergency Survival Kits

You should have an Emergency Survival Kit packed and ready to go ahead of time both in your home and in your car that will keep you self sufficient for at least three days.

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