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Community and Cultural Affairs


Preparedness At Home

Mitigation/Prevention Preparedness Response Recovery

Responsibility for meeting most emergencies/disasters normally rests with those directly affected. No community is equipped to handle all the demands of an emergency. Help your community by preparing yourself. Make sure everyone in your family knows what to do before, during and after an emergency.

You should have an emergency plan in place and be prepared to do what is reasonably possible to protect yourself and your family. Know what to do before an emergency strikes. Know how to protect yourself during the emergency and be prepared to keep your family safe after the emergency has past.

Be Ready to Evacuate

If the emergency is serious enough, you may decide to evacuate on your own or you may be asked to leave your home and go to a nearby evacuation centre, like a school gym or a community hall.

Emergency Survival Kits

You should have an Emergency Survival Kit packed and ready to go ahead of time both in your home and in your car that will keep you self sufficient for at least three days.

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