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Science and the Environment Bulletin-- November/December 2001
Climate Change and Canada’s Water Resources: Predicting the Future

Researchers at the National Water Research Institute’s Trail Valley Creek research basin-a MAGS site located northeast of Inuvik, Northwest Territories. Flux and hydrologic instrumentation (tower at left) is operated by the NWRI, while the complementary remote weather station (tower at right) is run by the Meteorological Service of Canada. Wind generators and solar panels are used to power the station during the long periods when it is unattended. The Mackenzie Basin covers 20 per cent of Canada, stretching from Jasper, Alberta, to the coast of the Beaufort Sea. For the past seven years, Environment Canada and university scientists have been toiling together in this vast landscape to learn more about the water and energy cycle in Canada’s North—information that is vital to predicting the impacts of climate change on our water resources.

Canada has some of the largest freshwater reserves in the world. These reserves fluctuate widely due to natural variations in climate, and concerns are growing that changes in climate caused by human activities could have dramatic and unpredictable effects. For example, as the largest single North American source of freshwater for the Arctic Ocean, the Mackenzie River—ranked tenth largest in the world by drainage area—plays an important part in regulating the thermohaline (temperature and salinity) circulation of the world’s oceans. A large-scale fluctuation in discharge from the Mackenzie would have consequences far beyond Canada’s borders.

The need to know more about the interrelationships between climate and water resources, especially in large, high-latitude river basins such as the Mackenzie, prompted Environment Canada and colleagues in the scientific community to launch a new research program in Canada’s North. Approximately 50 Canadian climatologists, meteorologists, hydrologists, remote-sensing experts and modellers from the Department’s Meteorological Service of Canada and National Water Research Institute, and several Canadian universities embarked on the Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS).

MAGS is a major component of the World Climate Research Program’s Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX), which is investigating water and climate interrelationships at important sites around the world—including the Mississippi and Amazon rivers, the Baltic Sea, and Asia’s monsoon and Siberian regions. Canadian scientists are playing a leading role in developing new knowledge about the processes that control the circulation, storage and distribution of water and energy in cold regions: processes that ultimately affect the global climate system.

Research on such a large scale poses many formidable challenges to scientists, particularly the difficulties of size, remoteness, and biophysical diversity in an area such as this. The Mackenzie Basin is made up of six main sub-basins, three great lakes—Great Slave Lake, Great Bear Lake and Lake Athabasca—and three major deltas, including the Peace Athabasca and Mackenzie. It encompasses Arctic tundra to the north, farm and ranchland to the south, lakes and wetland on the Interior Plains, mountainous regions in the west, and rocky Canadian Shield in the east. In most of the northern part of the basin the permafrost is continuous, and can be as thick as 500 metres.

The dramatic climate of the Mackenzie Basin presents its own challenges. Average monthly temperatures range from about 15ºC in summer to about –30ºC in winter. The range is much larger on a daily scale, however, with values from as high as 30ºC to as low as –50ºC. Large daily, seasonal and yearly variations in the basin’s cloud systems (and their structure) have a profound effect on surface processes, including the amount of heat gained and lost. Cyclonic storms are a frequent occurrence for a large part of the year and, in the summer, the Basin experiences a large amount of convective activity and associated lightning. These and other atmospheric processes were not well understood before MAGS was launched.

Researchers knew from the outset that they would have to contend with incomplete data, as there is a limited observational network in the Mackenzie Basin. They tackled this problem by making maximum use of the information they did have—for example, using historical precipitation and discharge records to estimate the distribution of precipitation and runoff over the Basin. They also developed research strategies using remote-sensing tools to gather data, which could then be applied in many ways, such as to calculate break-up and freeze-up dates for the Mackenzie great lakes and to estimate the surface-atmosphere exchange of heat and moisture in key regions.

Over the course of the study, Environment Canada established several new automatic meteorological observing stations at sites where data were sparse. Each site also represented a different biophysical region: near Fort Simpson, wetland with discontinuous permafrost; Fort Liard, mountains; the Great Divide between the Yukon and Northwest Territories, alpine tundra; Yellowknife between the Great Slave and Great Bear lakes, shield lakes; Fort Good Hope, northern forested wetlands; and Inuvik, boreal forest-tundra transition and continuous permafrost.

To gather critical hydrological data, departmental researchers enhanced their instrumentation in four long-term research basins located in key areas. Data collected at these sites were augmented by data from a Canadian weather forecast model. Modelling experts made progress in modifying the Canadian Regional Climate Model for use over the Mackenzie Basin, and in linking the Canadian Land Surface Scheme with a hydrological model. Integrating these models is an important goal of the study, and is essential for testing our predictive ability under current conditions and for considering how climate and water resources will change in the future.

Satellite image of the Mackenzie River Basin showing Great Bear Lake (top) and Great Slave Lake (bottom).
Satellite image of the Mackenzie River Basin showing Great
Bear Lake (top) and Great Slave Lake (bottom).

With the help of these tools and techniques, researchers focussed their studies on large-scale atmospheric processes, moisture recycling and energy fluxes, and discovered much new information about how moisture is distributed and redistributed in the area. During fall and spring, most moisture and precipitation is transported to the Basin along a “conveyor belt” that moves from the Pacific Ocean across the mountains. The mountains play a major role in converting this moisture into snow, which then provides snowmelt and runoff. In summer, evaporation from vegetation and open bodies of water is a major source of atmospheric moisture and, along with convective clouds, is an important factor in its redistribution. Studies of the cyclonic weather systems showed they are responsible for a significant amount of precipitation in the Mackenzie Basin.

From research on snow, ice and permafrost, scientists gained greater insights into how blowing snow is redistributed, how effective forests are at intercepting snowfall, and how much snow is sublimated back to the atmosphere. They determined that water from melting snow infiltrates easily into frozen organic soils but not into ice-rich mineral soils, and that slopes with permafrost are efficient at moving water into streams, but those without sometimes yield no runoff at all. MAGS scientists are modifying hydrological models to account for these important variations.

Researchers investigating Great Slave Lake found a pronounced difference in cumulative annual evaporation between two years. The first, lower amount was consistent with estimates for high-altitude lakes, but the second, higher one was similar to amounts estimated for the Laurentian Great Lakes to the south. The higher amount could be explained by an exceptionally long ice-free period that resulted from thinner ice-cover in the second year, which, in turn, resulted from above-average air temperatures during an El Niño warming episode. The researchers believe that if an El Niño warming has this effect, warming caused by climate change from human activities will also cause great lakes in the North to behave more like their southern counterparts.

As the first phase of the study draws to a close, the MAGS team has made unparalleled progress toward understanding the links between water and climate in high latitudes. Five million dollars in new funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada has already been secured for a second phase that will continue to bring the government and university science communities together over the next five years to produce better models and other tools for improved prediction of future changes to Canada’s freshwater resources.

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