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December 2006

St. Lawrence Info

Do You Know the Drainage Basins of Canada?

Quality of Fresh Water in Canada: Preliminary Findings

November 2006

St. Lawrence Info

Mussel Health At Risk from Medications

September 2006


Development and Application of an Indicator for Monitoring the State of the St. Lawrence River Using Benthic Communities

St. Lawrence Info

Photo: Laboratory analyses

Using Bioassays to Study the Chemical Contamination of the St. Lawrence

Photo: Freshwater Hydra

The Freshwater Hydra (Hydra attenuata): Useful in Ecotoxicology


September 17 to 20, 2006
International Conference on Ecotoxicology 2006: Trends and Perspectives
Polish Society of Ecotoxicology and SECOTOX
Wisla, Poland

September 11 to 13, 2006
Environmental Toxicology 2006: First International Conference on Environmental Toxicology
Mykonos, Greece

July 2006


Illustration: Land use

Monitoring Land Use in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Ecosystem

Map: Studu area

Monitoring Erosion of St. Lawrence Riverbanks (NEW ADDITIONS)

June 2006

St. Lawrence Info


Changing Surface Area of Wetlands (NEW ADDITIONS)


Fact Sheets SSLMP

Fact sheets in the State of the St. Lawrence Monitoring Program

Mapping the Wetlands of the St. Lawrence Using Remote Sensing (1990-1991)

Mapping the Wetlands of the St. Lawrence Using Remote Sensing (1990-1991)

May 2006

St. Lawrence Info

Photo : Preparation of the experimental area

The Use of Algae for Assessment of Sediment Quality

Photo: Geared bulk carrier

Managing Ballast Water to Reduce the Risk of Invasion by Nonindigenous Species


June 13 to 14, 2006
Rendez-vous St. Lawrence 2006 – Toward More Integrated Environmental Monitoring
Nicolet, Quebec, Canada

June 1 and 2, 2006
10th Annual Symposium of Chapitre Saint-Laurent — Sciences de l'environnement: chemin parcouru et défis à venir.”
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

April 2006

St. Lawrence Info


Effect of Water Level on Contaminant Transport

Map: Location of Lake Saint-Pierre

Benthic Invertebrates: New Indicators for Monitoring the State of Lake Saint-Pierre