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Image of dam with flowing water. Image of irrigation channels. Image of a scientist looking into a microscope. Image of three ducks swimming together at sunset. Image of a canoe on a lake at sunset.Skip to Map DescriptionSkip to Description of Layers
RésEau - Thematic Mapping
Water Quantity
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Pan Northwest Pan North Pan Northeast
Pan West
Pan East
Pan Southwest Pan South Pan Southeast

In Canada it seems that we have more than our fair share of water. However, almost 60 percent of Canada's fresh water drains to the north, while 85 percent of the population lives within 300 kilometres of our southern border. In other words, much of our water is not where it is needed most - in the heavily populated areas.

Canada's water supply has many competing uses including: pulp and paper and agricultural industries, hydroelectric energy, domestic uses, recreation and tourism.

To be aware of the extent of our water resources and to manage them well, we need baseline data. As pressures on our water increase, the need for reliable hydrologic data and information becomes more urgent. The data collected by Environment Canada and its partners make it possible to manage this vital resource and the environment that it nourishes.

This map depicts Environment Canada’s active long term hydrometric monitoring network. By querying the points you can learn more about the individual stations and access current water levels graphs.

Selected Layers
Capitals (Canada)
Water Level Conditions
Inactive Climate Stations
Active Climate Stations (Not Real-Time)
Active Hydrometric Stations (Not Real-Time)
Inactive Hydrometric Stations
Active Hydrometric Stations (Real-Time)

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