Canadian Marine Weather

North of 60º
Admiralty Amundsen Arviat
Axe Point to Round Island Baffin East Baffin West
Baillie Baker Banks
Barrow Boothia Brevoort Central
Brevoort East Brevoort West Byam
Central Churchill Clarence
Clyde East Coats Committee
Coronation Cumberland Cyde West
Davis East Davis West Dease
Dolphin Eureka Foxe East
Foxe West Fort Good Hope to Point Separation Frobisher Bay
Great Slave Lake - Hay River Buoy Great Slave Lake - Inner Whaleback Buoy Great Slave Lake
Holman Igloolik Jones
Kane Lake Athabasca Lancaster
Larsen Mackenzie Maud
McClintock McClure Melville
Norwegian Bay Nottingham Peel
Point Separation to Kittigazuit Bay Prince Charles Prince of Wales
Queens Rae Rankin
Regent Resolution Robeson
Roes Welcome Round Island to Tulita South Central Hudson Bay
South Hudson Bay St Roch Tuktoyaktuk
Tulita to Fort Good Hope Ungava Wrigley Harbour to Axe Point
York Yukon Coast  
Pacific North Coast Buoys  «
Pacific - South Coast Buoys  «
Pacific - West Coast  «
Pacific - Georgia Basin Buoys  «
North of 60º  «
Prairie Lakes  «
James Bay / St. Lawrence  «
Ontario Lakes  «
Atlantic Coast - Labrador  «
Atlantic Coast - Maritimes  «
Atlantic Coast - Newfoundland  «
Atlantic Coast «


Georgia Basin Pressure-Slope

Marine Services On-line

Created: 2002-12-31
Modified: 2004-07-13
Reviewed: 2002-12-31
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Environment Canada's World Wide Web Site.