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Canadian Daily UV Index Forecast

* NOTE: Corrected and/or amended bulletins are listed first *

FPCN48 CWAO 091945
 Environment Canada forecast ultraviolet (uv) indices for selected 
Canadian cities for Sunday December 10 2006. The UV index 
bulletin is issued twice daily every 12 hours.  
The forecast maximum UV index includes the effect of clouds and       
Weather. Ultraviolet intensities under cloud cover and/or             
Precipitation will be higher than stated if sunny breaks occur.       
Variable cloud days allow full ultraviolet exposure during the sunny  
                               Fcst UV                   times UV     
location        weather         index      category       above 3     
Iqaluit        light snow          0          low              nil   
Resolute       clear               0          low           missing  
Inuvik         incrg cloudiness    0          low           missing  
Rankin Inlet   missing             0          low              nil   
Yellowknife    overcast            0          low              nil   
Whitehorse     variable cloud      0          low              nil   
Vancouver      showers             1          low              nil   
Victoria       showers             1          low              nil   
Kamloops       mainly cloudy       1          low              nil   
Nanaimo        rain                1          low              nil   
Port Hardy     showers             1          low              nil   
Prince Rupert  occasional rain     0          low              nil   
Kelowna        isolated showers    1          low              nil   
Prince George  mainly cloudy       1          low              nil   
Cranbrook      flurries            1          low              nil   
Castlegar      rain                1          low              nil   
Edmonton       cloudy              1          low              nil   
Calgary        mainly sunny        1          low              nil   
Lethbridge     sunny periods       1          low              nil   
Red Deer       variable cloud      1          low              nil   
Medicine Hat   incrg cloudiness    1          low              nil   
Banff          overcast            1          low              nil   
Grande Prairie variable cloud      1          low              nil   
Saskatoon      variable cloud      1          low              nil   
Regina         overcast            1          low              nil   
Yorkton        overcast            1          low              nil   
Thompson       sunny               1          low              nil   
Winnipeg       overcast            1          low              nil   
Thunder Bay    sunny               1          low              nil   
Sudbury        mainly cloudy       1          low              nil   
Windsor        variable cloud      2          low              nil   
Toronto        variable cloud      2          low              nil   
Barrie         sunny periods       2          low              nil   
London         variable cloud      2          low              nil   
Ottawa         mainly cloudy       1          low              nil   
Kingston       mainly cloudy       1          low              nil   
Montreal       cloudy              1          low              nil   
Sherbrooke     flurries            1          low              nil   
Quebec         flurries            1          low              nil   
Ste-Adele      cloudy              1          low              nil   
Fredericton    mainly cloudy       1          low              nil   
Saint John NB  cloudy              1          low              nil   
Sydney         mainly cloudy       1          low              nil   
Halifax        sunny periods       1          low              nil   
Charlottetown  cloudy              1          low              nil   
St. John's Nfldflurries            1          low              nil   
Goose Bay      flurries            1          low              nil   
All times mentioned in this bulletin are in local time. 
Sun tip: 
During the fall season, the sun s strength decreases.                
Reflections from water, ice or snow can increase the amount of       
UV received.                                                         
UV categorieS         UV index range (rounded values)                 
   extreme                     11 or higher                           
  very high                     8 to 10                               
    high                        6 to 7                                
  moderate                      3 to 5                                
    low                        less than 2                            
Note: UV Index values above 3 involve use of different                
Sun-protective measures.                                              
This bulletin will not be amended. Contact your local Environment     
Canada weather office to obtain the most up-to-date weather and UV    
index information                                                     

Created: 2002-12-31
Modified: 2004-07-13
Reviewed: 2002-12-31
URL of this page: http://text.www.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/forecast/textforecast_e.html?Bulletin=fpcn48.cwao

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